this
may
show
us
that
a
principle
insight
of
the
first
intercultural
specialists
–
becoming
aware
of
the
hidden
patterns
of
our
own
behavior
has
important
lessons
to
teach
us
–
is
being
forgotten
among
specialists
just
at
the
time
when
millions
of
people
are
in
the
position
to
take
advantage
of
it.
The
next
chapter
will
look
in
more
detail
at
what
is
meant
by
deep
culture
and
start
to
look
at
the
kinds
of
challenges
that
difference
in
deep
culture
creates
for
sojourners.
這麽做會告訴我們壹個原則
首席跨文化專家的洞察力——註意到那些我們行為下的潛藏模式對我們有著重要的指導意義——這正在被許多專家所遺忘,而同時又被數以百萬計的人利用著。
下壹章會揭示有關於更多的細節在深層文化中所代表的是什麽意思,也開始關註各種各樣的為旅居者所設置的關於深層文化差異的挑戰。
請采納,祝好!