問題二:想問下散光多少度和那個英文字母是多少 翻譯結果
Want to ask how many degrees of astigmati *** and what is the English letters
問題三:眼鏡英文怎麽說 眼鏡各部件名稱: 鏡片
鏡框 frame 樹脂鏡片 hard resin lens
鉸鏈 hinge 圓頂雙關鏡片 round-top bifocal lens
彈簧腳鏈: spring hinge spring-loaded hinge 平頂雙光鏡片 flat-top bifocal lens
壹體彈簧腳 mono spring hinge 非球面樹脂鏡片 aspheric hard resin lens
腳套: tip 基片 (NC) Non-coated lens
鼻托(托葉) nose pards 加硬鏡片 (HC) hard coated lens
鼻須(酒杯) nose arm 加硬加膜片 Hard & Multi-coated
鼻中 nose bridge HMC Hard & Multi-coated,
中梁: bridge 加硬加膜防輻射片 EMI Defending Coating
樁頭 temple bending 高散光片 RX Lens-High Index
雙梁 double bridges 漸進多焦點鏡片 progressive lenses
鏡腳(腳絲) temple 開放式鏡片 open side lens
眼鏡架 spectacle frames eye frames 角膜矯正接觸鏡片 othrok lenses
眼鏡夾 glasses clips
內框 interior side
外框 exterior side
材料 與眼鏡行業相關工作
金屬 metal 驗光師 optician
錳料 Monel 配鏡師 dispenser
不銹鋼 Stainless Steel 制造商 manufacturer
無鎳不銹鋼 nicklfree stainless steel 眼鏡設計師 eyewear designer
鐵 iron 眼科醫生專家 ophthalmologist
不含鐵的,非鐵的 nonferrous
純鈦 pure Titanium
鈦 titanium
低鈦 beta-titanium 相關協會名稱
鈦合金 B-Ti B鈦 Titanium Alloy 美國驗光師協會 Ameiican Optometric Association
合金;記憶合金 alloy 醫療光學委員會 General Optical Council
記憶金屬 memory metal
鎳 nickel
高鎳合金 high nickel copper alloy OSHA 〈美〉職業安全與衛生條例[管理局] occupational safety
and health administration
無鎳合金 nickelfree alloy
鉻 chromium
聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate
尼龍 nylon 驗光配鏡
塑料 plastic 驗光師 optometrist
鈀 palladium 驗眼報告 prescription
賽璐珞,假象牙 zyl(zylonite) 視力矯正 Vision correction
醋酸纖維素,纖維素乙酸酯 cellulose acetate 近視 nearsighted myopia
纖維素 cellulose 遠視 farsighted;m......>>
問題四:怎麽用英文說老花眼,近視眼,運視眼,散光眼 老花眼,近視眼,運視眼,散光眼_
Pre *** yopia, myopia, eye, astigmati ***
問題五:眼鏡片的英文怎麽說 眼鏡片
eye glass lenses of spectacles
spectacle lens;
eye glass;
lenses of spectacles;
spectacle glass;
spectacle lens
[參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英進出口商品詞匯大全 漢英綜合大詞典
變色眼鏡片 chameleon glass block; chameleon glass block
三焦眼鏡片 trifocal lens; trifocal spectacle
檢眼鏡片箱 test lens set; trial lens set
太陽眼鏡片 sunglass lens; sunglass lens
運動眼鏡片 sports lens
老花眼鏡片 pre *** yopic glass block; pre *** yopic glass block
塑料眼鏡片 lens; plastic spectacle lens
多模眼鏡片 multiple coating eye-glass; multiple coating eye- glass
多膜眼鏡片 multiple coating eye-glass; multiple coating eye-glass
有色眼鏡片 coloured ophthalmic glass
眼鏡片毛坯 eyeglass blank glass block blank; eyeglass blank; gl....
散光眼鏡片 astigmatic lenses
隱形眼鏡片 contact lens
多層鍍膜眼鏡片 multi-layer coated eye-glasses; multi-layer coated eye-glasses;
問題六:近視度數,散光度數,泳嚶⑽男捶 5分 3D pattern less lens edging system 三維全自動免模板磨邊機
A 0.5-inch wide-angle lens 焦距0.5時的廣角透鏡
A 0.7-inch focal-length lens 焦距0.7時的透鏡
accessories for contact lens 隱形眼鏡附件
Achromatic 消色差
advanced optometric equipment & integrated refractometer 全自動電腦驗光儀
Aluminium Spectacles Case 鋁制鏡盒
Amber 琥珀
amblyopia 弱視
anti-glare, anti-radiation eyeglasses抗強光的,抗輻射的
Aperture of the rotating diaphragm 旋轉光欄板孔徑
astigmati *** 散光
auto edge-grinder 制模機
auto keratometer 全自動角膜曲率計
auto lens edger 全自動磨邊機
auto len *** eter 全自動焦度計
auto polisher 拋光機
auto-chart Presenting Instrument 全自動電腦視力燈箱
Automated Ophthalmics
automatic lens trim grinder 全自動磨邊機
automatic refractor 全自動電腦驗光儀
Base 底座
Bendable Plastic Rimless Eyeglasses 可彎曲塑料無邊眼鏡
Bendable titanium Eyeglasses 鈦眼鏡
Bifocal eyeglasses 雙焦點眼鏡
Bifocal lenses 雙光鏡片
binocular auto refractometer 雙眼電腦驗光
binocular portable-refraction 手提式電腦驗光儀
Biocular vertical tube 雙目直鏡筒
boxes & pouch 眼鏡盒和眼鏡袋
boxes for Reading glasses 老花鏡盒
camera for retinal photography 視網膜攝像用相機
carver 眼鏡雕刻機
cataract implant surgery; 白內障植入手術
center instrument 中心儀
check glasses 檢眼鏡
Coarse adjustment range 粗調範圍
coating machine 鍍膜機
coating materials 鍍膜原料
ponent of frames 鏡架組件
concave lenses 凹透鏡
concave-cylinder 柱鏡
Concave-plan reflector 平凹反光鏡
concave-sphere 球鏡
Condenser :Abbe type NA=1.25, with Iris diaphragm聚光鏡:阿貝式NA=1.25,帶可變光欄
contact lens processing machinery 隱形眼鏡加工機械
Contact lense 隱形眼鏡
convex lenses 凸透鏡
copper 銅的
copper frame 銅框