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翻譯壹下 “skin”


1.skin n.

[U] elastic substance that forms the outer covering of the body of a person or an animal (人或動物的)皮, 皮膚: a dark, an olive, a fair, etc skin 黝黑的﹑ 橄欖色的﹑ 白皙的皮膚 * She has a beautiful skin, ie complexion. 她膚色很美. * [attrib 作定語] a skin disease, treatment 皮膚病﹑ 皮膚治療.

[U, C] (often in compounds 常用以構成復合詞) skin of an animal that has been removed from its body, with or without the fur; hide; fur 毛皮; 皮革; 皮張: `pigskin, `calfskin, `sheepskin 豬皮﹑ 小牛皮﹑ 羊皮 * a `rabbit-skin 兔皮.

[C] (often in compounds 常用以構成復合詞) vessel for storing liquids, made from the whole skin of an animal (裝液體用的)皮囊(用整個獸皮制成的): a `wineskin 酒囊.

(a) [C, U] outer covering of a fruit or plant 果皮; 植物的外皮: slip on a banana skin 踩著香蕉皮而滑倒 * grape skins 葡萄皮. Cf 參看 peel n, rind, zest 3. (b) [C, U] thin covering of a sausage (灌香腸用的)腸衣. (c) [C usu sing 通常作單數] any outer covering or case 外殼; 外皮: the metal skin of an aircraft 飛機的金屬外殼 * a waterproof plastic skin on a metal sheet 金屬板的防水塑料外層.

[C, U] thin layer that forms on the surface of certain liquids, eg boiled milk 結於某些液面的薄層(如煮過的牛奶的表面): the skin on a milk pudding 牛奶布丁上的乳皮 * a skin forming on the paint in the pot 罐中油漆結的壹層皮.

(idm 習語) beauty is only skin deep => beauty. be no skin off one's nose (infml 口) not concern one; not matter to one 與己無關; 事不關己; 滿不在乎: It's no skin off my nose if I lose this job, I can always get another one. 我失掉這份工作也沒有關系, 我隨時都能再找到工作. by the ,skin of one's `teeth (infml 口) only just 僅; 剛剛: He escaped by the skin of his teeth. 他險些沒逃掉. get under sb's `skin (infml 口) (a) annoy or irritate sb 惹惱或激怒(某人): Don't let him get under your skin! 別讓他惹著妳! (b) interest or attract sb greatly 深深地打動或吸引(某人): The charm of the place soon gets under your skin. 這地方很美麗, 妳很快就會愛上這個地方. have got sb under one `skin (infml 口) be strongly attracted to sb 對某人極感興趣. have, etc a hide/skin like a rhinoceros => rhinoceros. jump out of one's `skin (infml 口) be startled 嚇壹大跳: I nearly jumped out of my skin when a hand grabbed me in the dark. 黑暗中有壹只手把我抓住, 可真把我嚇了壹大跳. save one's (own) skin => save. (nothing but/all) skin and `bone (infml 口) very thin 極瘦; 皮包骨: He was all skin and bone after his illness. 他病後瘦成皮包骨. ,soaked/,wet to the `skin (of a person) completely soaked (指人)濕透: We were soaked to the skin after the storm. 暴雨過後我們全都濕透了. (have) a thin/thick `skin (infml 口) (have) a character that makes one easily/not easily hurt by criticism, insults, etc 臉皮薄[厚]; 禁得住[禁不住]批評﹑ 侮辱等: You need a thick skin to be a politician. 當政客得臉皮厚.

2. skin v (-nn-)

1 (a) [Tn] take the skin off (eg an animal) 剝掉(如動物)的皮: skin a rabbit, fox, etc 剝兔子﹑ 狐貍等的皮. (b) injure by scraping skin off (eg one's knees) 擦破(如膝蓋)的皮: I skinned my elbow against the wall. 我的肘部撞在墻上擦破了皮.

2 (idm 習語) keep one's eyes open/peeled/skinned => eye1. skin sb alive (said as a threat 威脅用語) punish sb severely 嚴懲某人: Your father'll skin you alive when he sees this! 要是讓妳父親看見, 他非活剝了妳不可!