n. 愛,戀愛,愛情
vt. 愛,熱愛,喜歡
[ 過去式loved 過去分詞loved 現在分詞loving 第三人稱單數loves ]
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love [l?v]
1. 愛2. (對異性的)愛,愛情,戀愛;性愛3. 性欲;性交4. 熱愛;愛戴5. 友愛;友好6. 愛好;喜愛7. 情人;愛人;戀人(多指女子)8. 風流韻事;不正當的男女關系9. 親愛的[用作親昵的稱謂]10. 喜愛的對象;討人喜歡的人(或東西)11. [L-]1) 愛神,愛的化身(如丘比特等)2) [罕用語]維納斯(愛和美的女神)12. 神學(上帝的)慈愛;慈悲;(尤其對上帝的)敬慕;崇敬13. 網球零分
1. 愛;熱愛;愛戴:例句: We love our motherland.
我們熱愛祖國。2. 喜歡,喜好,愛好:例句: We love playing basketball.
我們愛打籃球。She loves modern music.
她喜歡現代音樂。3. (對異性)愛慕;深情地愛戀:例句: He loves her faithfully.
他忠實地愛著她。4. 撫愛5. 求愛;做愛,與…性交6. (動、植物)需要;受益於:例句: The plant loves shade.
這種植物喜陰處。Plants love sunshine.
植物需要陽光。vi.愛,戀愛:例句: She is a girl who loves unwisely.
affection . attachment .
1. at love網球未丟壹分地2. be crossed in love失戀;被拋棄3. fall in love (with)愛上,墮入情網4. fall out of love (with)不再愛戀;與…中斷愛情5. for love
a. 為了愛情
b. 出於愛好;為了興趣;為了消遣;不為錢(的);無償地6. for love or money[常用於否定句]無論如何;無論出什麽代價7. for the love of為了…起見;看在…的份上(或面上)8. for the love of Heaven (或 Christ, God, mercy)[口語]看在上帝的分上;發發慈悲;行行好(表示驚訝或煩惱等)9. for the love of Mike[俚語]千萬;無論如何;看在上帝的分上10. give (或 send) one's love to someone向某人問候(或致意)[亦作 give (或 send) someone one's love]11. in love (with)
a. 與…戀愛,在熱戀中
b. 熱愛著(某職業等);愛上12. love all體育(網球、足球等)打成零比零,雙方零分13. love (you) and leave you狠壹狠心離開妳(離別時用語)14. love at first sight壹見鐘情15. love in a cottage糟糠夫妻的生活;清貧而和諧的婚姻生活16. Love is blind.[諺語]愛情是盲目的。17. Love is the reward of love.[諺語]愛就是愛的報酬。18. Love me, love my dog.[諺語]愛屋及烏。19. love of gain貪財;貪婪20. love them and leave them(對女人)始亂終棄21. make love
a. 求愛;愛撫
b. 做愛,性交22. make love to someone向某人求愛;與某人發生性關系23. no love lost between互相厭惡;毫無感情24. not for love or (或 nor) money無論如何也不;不論出多大代價也不25. out of love (with)不再愛;不喜歡;對…厭倦26. play for love為了消遣而玩牌;打著玩玩(指不賭錢)27. send one's love to someone向某人問候(或致意) [亦作 send someone one's love]28. there's no love lost between them
a. 彼此之間沒有好感,相互厭惡
b. [廢語]彼此相愛;他們相親相愛29. unrequited love單戀;單相思
以上來源於: 《21世紀大英漢詞典》英漢翻譯 英英翻譯
love [l?v]
1. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection例句: his love for his workchildren need a lot of love
2. any object of warm affection or devotion例句: the theater was her first love
3. a beloved person; used as terms of endearment4. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction例句: their love left them indifferent to their surroundingsshe was his first love
5. a score of zero in tennis or squash例句: it was 40 love
6. sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people例句: his lovemaking disgusted herhe hadn't had any love in monthshe has a very complicated love life
1. have a great affection or liking for例句: I love French foodShe loves her boss and works hard for him
2. get pleasure from例句: I love cooking
3. be enamored or in love with例句: She loves her husband deeply
4. have sexual intercourse with
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