The regime of the Author has also been, for us, the regime of "the Text"--a theoretical calcification which, in its apparent open-endedness, seems to exempt us from the work of defining what comprises the text, but which really only conceals our own belief in its ultimate determinacy as an identifiable, self-contained and self-consistent object of analysis.
對我們來說,“作者”的構思組織就是“文章”的提綱,----從理論上講是壹個起“骨架”(鈣化)作用的東西, 在文章表面的起始兩端,雖然這種提綱(這種起骨架作用的東西) 好像表面上免除了我們“對文章的組織進行定界“的運作,但是,實際上,提綱作為壹種“可確認的且可獨立完備的” 分析對象 , 在最終確定文章方面,反而會掩蓋我們自己的信念或觀點看法。
Foucault points to this problem in noting that the concept of ecriture itself " in subtle ways, continues to perserve the existence of the author" to the extent that it " sustains the privileges of the author through the safe-guard of the a priori" ; brilliantly observed through this is, it does not answer for the larger problem of expressing, in theoretical and practical terms, exactly how the a priori status of writing is established--how (to put the question differently) writing passes from the condition of the "timely" to that of the "timeless."
Foucault提出了這種問題,他指出:“在精細的或微妙的寫作方式中,寫作自身的觀念 ,就是繼續持之以恒地維護作者的存在”,(其維持的程度是)---即通過“優先保護”而維持作者的特權 ;那麽,通過這方面大量的和鮮明地觀測(我們發現到的情況)是:寫作觀念不是用理論上的和實際上的詞語來回答或負責大量(如何去)表達的問題,而是(確切地說)人們是如何建立寫作上的優先“狀態”的方法的---寫作是如何從“受時間上的”條件限制轉化到“不受時間上的”條件限制(的)(人們是如何以不同的方式提出問題的)。
More importantly, perhaps, it seems to me that the greatest impediment is the lack of a coherently articulated theoretical framework for the study of periodical genres,forms and media that might allow for the reassessment of the novel within a larger discursive economy.