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[詞典] illegal deal; underhanded activity; something fishy; dirty trick;

illegal 英[?li:gl] 美[?liɡ?l] adj. 不合法的,違法的; 違反規則的; n. 非法移民,非法勞工; 間諜; [例句]It is illegal to intercept radio messages攔截無線電報是非法的。

[其他] 復數:illegals

illegal deal 貓膩兒; [例句]D'you think it's an illegal deal?妳認為這是個非法的交易嗎?

underhanded英 [?nd?'h?nd?d] 美 ['?nd?'h?nd?d] adj. 卑劣的;秘密的;人手不足的

underhanded activity 貓膩兒;

fishy 英[?f?i] 美[?f?i] adj. <非正>可疑的,值得懷疑的; 不是味兒; 鬼勾當; 腥味兒; [例句]There seems to be something fishy going on.事情好像有點不對勁。

dirty trick 英[?d?:ti trik] 美[?d?ti tr?k] n. 卑鄙的行為; [例句]He claimed he was the victim of a dirty tricks campaign..他聲稱他是壹場卑鄙的競選運動的犧牲品。

[例句]He is not an honest man, and is fond of playing tricks.他不是個誠實的人,就愛耍貓膩兒。