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1. 圍繞“學習”為中心的英語作文

How to study Einglish well

English is the most important language in the world, spoken by more than a billion people. English nowadays is widely used in science, business, the media and popular culture. Besides,English is one of the most important subjects in junior high so we should learn it well.Learning English just like learning other language, is hard work so we should spend lots of time on it every day. We should have good ways of learning English, such as listen to the teacher carefully,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them and attend English debbates and speech contests. What's more,it is very useful to listen to English programs and read English magazines and books. When we make mistakes, correct them at once. Don't be shy of asking others for help when we have difficulties. I believe" practice makes perfect". I am sure if we study hard, we will learn English well.

希望妳喜歡! 望采納! 謝謝!

2. 幫忙寫個英文作文,中心是“Is appearance important for a person?

We always hear that what matters is on the inside of a person, and i agree, but i also believe that if we're honest to ourselves, we all care about how a person looks, even if it is minimally. What differs from person to person is how much they worry about them. Some practically only pay attention to the looks, whereas others look more into the personality etc.

Physical aspect of a person really counts first. Physically we base our impressions on their looks but as we tend to get to know the person well, we consider their attitude of course. If someone looks so good physically but most feedbacks you get from other people says that that person is of no good attitude at all then definitely you'll not like the person anymore no matter how handsome or pretty they may appear. I think both go together. The looks and attitude of a person. ;)

I think my avatar is cute LOL but anyway here in mylot it's different。it's not a normal social relationship。it's not even a chat so i don't think that appearances really matter for what we do here.

3. 圍繞哪句話寫是中心句還是總起句

中心句中心句的概念 “中心”依現代漢語詞典的解釋是“事物的主要部分”.在舊有的語文教學中,壹直有壹個提法——中心思想,它包括兩部分——文章的主要內容和作者在文中表達的情感.我們可以這樣理現在所說的“中心”就是“中心思想”的前半部分,能夠概括文章主要內容的句子就是“中心句”.中心句的特點 ①壹般在段的開頭的中心句起概括和總述作用. ②壹般在段的中間的中心句起承上啟下作用. ③壹般在段的末尾的中心句起歸納和總結作用. ④起強調和增強印象作用的中心句壹般在段的開頭和結尾.。

4. 根據中心句寫壹個英語作文

to Help Others Is to Help ourselves

We can't do all the jobs and plete all the things by ourselves,so a cooperation and help are needed.Looking back,we can know the history of human beings is a history of helping each other.

The ancient people helped other to keep off the enemies so as to survive.Nowadays people help each other to develop more fast.

First,helping others is essential,as our abilities are limited and we can't finish everything alone.We need a help in order to do things well.For example,we may have a problem with our homework.We don't know how to work out a maths problem,then we have to go to our teachers or clas *** ates.Thanks to their help,our problem can be worked out soon.

Second,to help others means to help ourselves.We can't live in a single world.When we help others in trouble someday,they will help us in return.On the contrary,if we don't offer a help,we won't get a help.Third,helping others is not only a good quality,but also a happy thing.We can get much happiness by helping others.Friends,don't grudge your love or help,for helping others is just helping ourselves .

5. 請幫忙寫篇文章,關於“絕境”話題:絕境圍繞中心:絕境是什麽寫

話題作文:絕境與希望 浙江省湖州中學 徐雪莉 壹頭驢子不小心掉進壹口枯井裏,他哀憐地叫喊求救,期待主人把它救出去。





以上材料,引發了妳怎樣的思考?請以“絕境與希望”為話題寫壹篇文章,題目自擬,體裁不限,不少於800字。 例文壹: 人 生 角 鬥 的 況 味 浙江省湖州中學 高二(12)班 高俊麒 生活總是要直面絕境的挑釁。

活著就得和人生角鬥,成功的意義就在於絕境向希望的逆轉。 身處絕境,能夠拯救自己的恰恰就只是自己。

曾經有過壹個令人無限欽佩的美國登山愛好者,他在獨自攀登勃朗峰時右手被落石壓住,面對絕境,他毅然將右手砍去下山尋求救援。 陷入絕境時,等待興許是不高明的選擇,往往在被絕境消磨殆盡殘存的意誌後,只能坐以待斃。

要學會在絕境時依靠自己,要自己尋找希望,就像落在枯井裏的驢子壹樣。人生角鬥的況味在於依靠自我證明自我,因為自己是走出絕境的唯壹指路人! 還記得《老人與海》中海明威筆下的桑提亞哥。


也就是他壹連84天沒捉到壹條魚,連唯壹陪伴他的男孩也離他而去,沒有人相信這個老頭會再有什麽收獲。 可是他再壹次出海了,他要靠自己走出這個絕境。




人生角鬥的況味在於面對看似無法克服的絕境時,爆發出潛在的鬥誌! 有人說絕境的可怕是它腐蝕了希望,曾經歷歷分明的希望在絕境散發的陰影中變得影影綽綽。 人類偉大的精神是指引我們從困苦中走出的動力,這種精神卻是源於那些似乎是山重水復的絕境中的。


《名人傳》裏的米開朗琪羅、貝多芬、托爾斯泰他們都是敢於同人生角鬥的勇士,米開朗琪羅的困苦絕望成就他藝術的靈感,貝多芬的多舛命運創造了他的《命運》,托爾斯泰對生命的惶惶不安誕生了《安娜·卡列尼那》。 在藝術的道路上他們都遇到了絕境的拷問,但是絕境卻成了他們藝術人生的壹種偉大力量,使得對生命對藝術的信仰都是那麽得令人贊嘆。

同人生的角鬥的希望是在絕境中攫取的! 人生的況味是在於和絕境的奮鬥,面對絕境時永不言棄,這就是人類不屈的偉大精神。更重要的是絕境創造了希望,是它將我們指引到更高的成就,也是它將我們歷練成人生真正的角鬥士! 評語from徐雪莉 讀罷《人生角鬥的況味》壹文,我被壹種搏擊人生的精神深深鼓舞。



文章選取的美國登山愛好者、桑提亞哥、米開朗琪羅、貝多芬、托爾斯泰的事例都是精當且極具感染力的。 其二,從語言表達而來的哲理與 *** 。

如“身處絕境,能夠拯救自己的恰恰就只是自己”“絕境是激發希望的源動力”等句子,簡潔有哲理;第2、3、4段的最後壹句話都顯得 *** 有力。其三,內在的邏輯力量加強了讀者的認同感。

文章在首段提出中心後,第2段論述“身處絕境,能夠拯救自己的恰恰就只是自己”,然後論述還要激發鬥誌,最後論述要在絕境中攫取“角鬥的希望”,壹層緊承壹層,邏輯嚴密。 體會from高俊麒 絕境和希望的話題他們本身所蘊涵著對立,我們要做的就是調和。
