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Du Shang has very in a big way with these early modernism artist distinguishes him not to satisfy other artists which likes his same time such carries on the "form on the canvas to revolutionize" but is takes great pains closely examines a question: What is the artistic essence? Whether it does have to be a manual product or merely satisfies the form which needs to the visual sense organ? Du Shang thought in 庫爾貝 before all European drawing was not the literature is the religion is precisely 庫爾貝 proposed in 19th century "the retina" importance caused the drawing to be separated from accepts to spiritual service this kind to retina being partial to by the impressionism and the afterwards drawing school and has achieved in Picasso and in Matisse's art 極致 although they all had to art still only were the visual form exploration which the unique contribution but essentially they carried on --- in the bone still were "retina" this kind to the retina are partial have caused to the drawing manual aspect are the skill praise but this are precisely Du still Opposed vigorously Du still attempted to prove the artistic work the value will lie in it was transmission thought "mark" "production significance machine" and forces the viewer initiative ponder and the creative participation moves him to want to cause art reto obtain one kind of surmounting vision sense organ the spiritual strength he also is the ordinary industry product transforms the artistic work to the ready-made goods choice based on these views through artist's choice the artist certainly not to participate in the manufacture in this process but only will be carries on the choice and causes it "signifying" and "significance" this obviously makes these 反對者 to be unable to tolerate because no matter was the traditional artist or The modernism artists all are the utilization certain form from imitate or create one kind to call the idea which it goods this kind of goods had "artware" in the skillful craft as well as the interest aspect but Du Shangze do not be partial to the daily thing the manufacture process or complete dispels but when has chosen these daily goods follows the artist as "the artistic" core therefore his mature period art completely had already surmounted the canvas and the visual sense organ category but some people thought at that time was "the non- artware" goods and "the non- artistic" idea introduces in art in the Du still art dictionary The artist has the possibility and causes any person or machine building thing all "signifying" "significance" it to transmit artist's idea this also is the reason which to extreme time Du Shang why when the modernism "form does revolutionize" to walk in canvas this small world which pursued the idea value starts to appear