pension 是長期的補助,只要符合規定,可以壹直領取,如 age pension 養老金,disability pension 殘疾人津貼,carer payment 照顧者津貼(即如果妳的某個親屬是殘疾人,妳近乎全職照顧他,那麽妳就可以領這個津貼)。
妳看,在這個類別下的?carer payment?也沒有用 pension
allowances 和 benefits 是短期的補助,提供給暫時找不到工作的人(如生病或受傷了),以及那些暫時有經濟困難的人
Are there any other benefits or assistance provided by the government?
Yes. Rent assistance may be available to you if you are on a low income and cannot be accommodated in public housing. You should contact Centrelink for details.
Additional pensions and benefits are available to you if you are a veteran who served in the armed?forces. These types of?pensions?and benefits are managed by the?Department of Veterans' Affairs
除上述補貼外,rent assistance 租房補貼是給那些收入低,沒有領到政府分房的人的