成語: 如影隨形 拼音: rú yǐng suí xíng
解釋: 好像影子總是跟著身體壹樣。比喻兩個人關系親密,常在壹起。
成語: 親密無間 拼音: qīn mì wú jiàn
解釋: 間:縫隙。關系親密,沒有隔閡。形容十分親密,沒有任何隔閡。
成語: 依依不舍 拼音: yī yī bù shě
解釋: 依依:依戀的樣子;舍:放棄。形容舍不得離開。
出處: 明·馮夢龍《醒世恒言·盧太學詩酒傲王候》:“那盧楠直送五百余裏,兩下依依不舍。”
形容形影不離的四字詞語 難舍難分、
拼音: xíng yǐng bù lí
解釋: 象形體和它的影子那樣分不開。形容彼此關系親密,經常在壹起。
成語: 天各壹方 拼音: tiān gè yī fāng
解釋: 指各在天底下的壹個地方。形容相隔極遠,見面困難。
出處: 漢·蘇武《古詩四首》:“良友遠離別,各在天壹方。”
成語: 天涯海角 拼音: tiān yá hǎi jiǎo
解釋: 形容極遠的地方,或相隔極遠。
出處: 南朝陳·徐陵《武皇帝作相時與嶺南酋豪書》:“天涯藐藐,地角悠悠了,陰謀詭計 面無由,但以情企。”宋·張世南《遊宦記聞》卷六:“今之遠宦及遠服賈者,皆曰天涯海角。”
(1) The two of them were in a hot fight and were inseparable all day long.
(2) Xiaoming and Xiaohua share the same *** ell and are inseparable all day.
(3)他倆臭味相投,很快就成了形影不離的好朋友[造 句 網]。
(3) They have a common *** ell and soon become inseparable good friends.
(4) Dictionary is my close companion.
(5) They are good friends and are always inseparable.
(6) Meixue and the dog gradually learn to accept each other, and soon become inseparable.
(7) They are inseparable all day and their feelings are growing day by day.
(8) They are inseparable good friends.
(9) Men and women in love are inseparable no matter what they do.
(10) The two children are inseparable from each other all day long. They are closer than sisters.
(11) The two inseparable lovers are obviously indifferent to their parents' dissuasion.
(12) This pair of lovers who fall in love are inseparable.
(13) They are inseparable, and friends can *** ell the good news.