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形容得意忘形的成語: 趾高氣揚 拼音: zhǐ gāo qì yáng

解釋: 趾高:走路時腳擡得很高;氣揚:意氣揚揚。走路時腳擡得很高,神氣十足。形容驕傲自滿,得意忘形的樣子。

形容得意忘形的成語: 得意忘形 拼音: dé yì wàng xíng

解釋: 形:形態。形容高興得失去了常態。

出處: 《晉書·阮籍傳》:“嗜酒能嘯,善彈琴。當其得意,忽忘形骸。”

形容得意忘形的成語: 自鳴得意 拼音: zì míng dé yì

解釋: 鳴:表示,以為。自以為了不起,表示很得意。

形容得意忘形的成語: 沾沾自喜 拼音: zhān zhān zì xǐ

解釋: 形容自以為不錯而得意的樣子。

出處: 《史記·魏其武安侯列傳》:“魏其者,沾沾自喜耳。”

形容得意忘形的成語: 洋洋得意 拼音: yáng yáng dé yì

解釋: 形容得意時神氣十足的姿態。

出處: 《史記·管晏列傳》:“意氣揚揚,甚自得也。”

形容得意忘形的成語: 顧盼自得 拼音: gù pàn zì dé

解釋: 顧盼:左顧右盼;自得:自己很得意。環顧四周,覺得自己很了不起。形容得意忘形。

形容得意忘形的成語: 自我陶醉 拼音: zì wǒ táo zuì

解釋: 陶醉:沈醉於某種事物或境界裏,以求得內心的安慰。指盲目地自我欣賞。

形容得意忘形的成語: 自鳴得意 拼音: zì míng dé yì

解釋: 鳴:表示,以為。自以為了不起,表示很得意。

形容得意忘形的成語: 自命不凡 拼音: zì mìng bù fán

解釋: 自命:自認為;凡:平凡。自以為不平凡,比別人高明。

形容得意忘形的成語: 孤芳自賞 拼音: gū fāng zì shǎng

解釋: 孤芳:獨秀壹時的香花。把自己比做僅有的香花而自我欣賞。比喻自命清高。

形容得意忘形的成語: 眉飛色舞 拼音: méi fēi sè wǔ

解釋: 色:臉色。形容人得意興奮的樣子。

出處: 清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》第三十二回:“余藎臣壹聽‘明保’二字,正是他心上最為關切之事,不禁眉飛色舞。”



When he laughed and chatted, his mind was turning around these thoughts, and he almost lost sight of them.


. he may be too complacent, singing while driving, so happy and sad that he hit the road tree.


He was slightly complacent.


Nevertheless, don't be too complacent or demanding of yourself.


It's obvious that he's lost his mind again.


She was so complacent that she couldn't help raising her head. Suddenly, the milk can fell down!


Seeing the results, he was a little complacent, because he thought he had done well in the exam.


It's terrible to be complacent when things go well, and the most important thing to do at this time is to keep calm.


Don't get carried away by a little success, it will only hinder us from achieving greater success.


He drove the new car he had just bought. He was so proud of it that he sang as he drove.


You did well in this exam, and when you were in a state of ecstasy, you immediately sounded an alarm for yourself, and you should continue to work hard.


He's not the kind of person you'll be proud of if you praise him a little.


When I heard that our athletes won the gold medal, I was so proud to cheer!


If we are complacent because of a little achievement, we will never be able to achieve anything.


No matter how good we have achieved, we should not be complacent and complacent.


Only when he was promoted to a group leader, he was proud to forget this virtue!


If you are *** oothly and triumphantly successful, arrogant and complacent, you are likely to be rewarded when you are disappointed.


It's so easy to be complacent that your success will soon be lost.


He fell down the stairs with a blank foot in a laugh of complacency and forgetfulness.


When I am happy, you often teach me not to become complacent and complacent.