解釋: 虧:欠缺;簣:盛土的筐子。堆九仞高的山,只缺壹筐土而不能完成。比喻作事情只差最後壹點沒能完成。
成語: 淺嘗輒止 拼音: qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ
解釋: 輒:就。略微嘗試壹下就停下來。指不深入鉆研。
成語: 浮光掠影 拼音: fú guāng lüè yǐng
解釋: 水面的光和掠過的影子,壹晃就消逝。比喻觀察不細致,學習不深入,印象不深刻。
拼音: bàn tú ér fèi
解釋: 廢:停止。指做事不能堅持到底,中途停頓,有始無終。
出處: 《禮記·中庸》:“君子遵道而行,半途而廢,吾弗難已矣。”
成語: 持之以恒 拼音: chí zhī yǐ héng
解釋: 持:堅持;恒:恒心。長久堅持下去。
成語: 孜孜不倦 拼音: zī zī bù juàn
解釋: 孜孜:勤勉,不懈怠。指工作或學習勤奮不知疲倦。
1. 我們做事要有頭有尾,不可半途而廢。
1. We should have a head and a tail in our work, and we should not give up halfway.
2. 做事情應有始有終,不應半途而廢。
2. We should do everything from beginning to end, not give up halfway.
3. 做事情貴在堅持到底,不能遇到困難就半途而廢。
3. The most important thing to do is to stick to the end. You can't give up halfway in case of difficulties.
4. 我們做事要有始有終,不能半途而廢。
4. We should work from beginning to end, and not give up halfway.
5. 我們做任何事情都不能半途而廢。
5. We can't do anything halfway.
6. 做任何事都要有始有終,不能半途而廢。
6. Do everything from beginning to end, and never give up halfway.
7. 妳的手藝沒有學成就不學了,半途而廢多麽可惜啊!
7. It's a pity to give up halfway if you don't learn your craft!
8. 如果壹個人做事情總是半途而廢,他就永遠享受不到成功後的歡樂。
8. If a person does things halfway, he will never enjoy the joy of success.
9. 做事要全始全終,不能半途而廢。
9. Do things all the way, not give up halfway.
10. 我們做什麽事都不能半途而廢。
10. We can't do anything by halves.
11. 這項工作壹定要堅持完成,絕不能半途而廢。
11. This work must be carried out consistently and never be abandoned halfway.
12. 做任何事都不能半途而廢,不然什麽事都不會成功。
12. Do nothing by halves, or nothing will succeed.
13. 事情往往不是敗在開頭,而是無力為繼,半途而廢。
13. Things often don't fail at the beginning, but they can't continue and give up halfway.
14. 我們不能因為壹點小困難就半途而廢。
14. We can't give up halfway because of a little difficulty.
15. 快到山頂了,大家堅持下去,千萬不要半途而廢!
15. It's almost the top of the mountain. Please keep going. Don't give up halfway!
16. 老師告訴我們做事要有恒心,不可半途而廢。
16. The teacher told us to be persistent in our work and not give up halfway.
17. 做事不能半途而廢,要持之以恒才能獲得勝利。
17. Don't give up doing things halfway. Only by persevering can you win.
18. 做事半途而廢的人,永遠嚐不到成功的果實。
18. Those who give up halfway will never taste the fruits of success.