形容時間的成語: 快:日月如梭、光陰似箭、歲月如流、稍縱即逝、白駒過隙 慢:壹日三秋、度日如年 如隔三秋 寶貴:尺璧寸陰、壹刻千金、壹寸光陰壹寸金這是描寫時間的成語(中英文) 1. 日積月累 accumulate through long years 2. 日暮途窮 at the end of one’s rope 3. 日日夜夜 day and night 4. 日新月異 fast-changing 5. 日以繼夜 night and day; day in and day out 6. 分秒必爭 Every minute counts. 7. 千鈞壹發 at a critical moment 8. 千秋萬代 throughout the ages 9. 千載難逢 once in a blue moon 10. 窮年累月 year after year; from year to year 11. 日落西山 like the sun setting beyond the western hills; on the wane