當前位置:成語大全網 - 八字成語 - 形容痛心疾首的成語詞語,意思相近差不多的近義詞四字詞語



成語: 深惡痛絕 拼音: shēn wù tòng jué

解釋: 惡:厭惡;痛:痛恨;絕:極。指對某人或某事物極端厭惡痛恨。

成語: 捶胸頓足 拼音: chuí xiōng dùn zú

解釋: 捶:敲打;頓:跺。敲胸口,跺雙腳。形容非常懊喪,或非常悲痛。

成語: 疾惡如仇 拼音: jí è rú chóu

解釋: 疾:憎恨;惡:指壞人壞事。憎恨壞人壞事就象憎恨仇人壹樣。

出處: 漢·孔融《薦禰衡表》:“見善若驚,疾惡若仇。”

成語: 憤時嫉俗 拼音: fèn shí jí sú

解釋: 憤:憤恨,不滿;嫉:憎惡,仇恨;俗:世俗。痛恨、憎惡腐朽、黑暗的社會現狀。


成語: 恨如頭醋 拼音: hèn rú tóu cù

解釋: 比喻非常可惡,令人痛恨。

出處: 清·吳敬梓《儒林外史》第五十二回:“那陳蝦子被毛二胡子壹味朝死裏算,弄的他酒也沒得吃,肉也沒得吃,恨如頭醋。”

成語: 恨之切骨 拼音: hèn zhī qiē gǔ

解釋: 之:代詞,指所恨對象。形容痛恨到極點。

成語: 恨之入骨 拼音: hèn zhī rù gǔ

解釋: 恨到骨頭裏去。形容痛恨到極點。

出處: 《史記·秦本紀》:“繆公之怨此三人,入於骨髓。”

成語: 咬牙切齒 拼音: yǎo yá qiè chǐ

解釋: 切齒:咬緊牙齒,表示痛恨。形容極端仇視或痛恨。也形容把某種情緒或感覺竭力抑制住。

成語: 疾之如仇 拼音: jí zhī rú chóu

解釋: 疾:同“嫉”,嫉恨,痛恨。嫉恨他人如同仇敵。

出處: 《晉書·秦秀傳》:“秀性忌讒佞,疾之如仇。”

成語: 令人痛心 拼音: lìng rén tòng xīn

解釋: 指讓人悲憤痛恨。

成語: 痛徹骨髓 拼音: tòng chè gǔ suǐ

解釋: 痛到骨頭裏。比喻痛恨或悲傷之極。

出處: 《史記·淮陰侯列傳》:“秦父兄怨此三人,痛入骨髓。”


成語: 痛心疾首 拼音: tòng xīn jí shǒu

解釋: 疾首:頭痛。形容痛恨到了極點。

出處: 《左傳·成公十三年》:“諸侯備聞此言,斯是用痛心疾首,匿就寡人。”



Love is a magic spell. It can turn all kinds of steeling into flexible fingers. It's hard for you to walk. Once you love, once you lose your heart. The desire of love is to spend your whole life waiting for you!


. well, the lines are funny. What do you know? The check-out landlord focuses on Chongyang holding up the key to relieve pain and heart disease. It's not the right time to press the capital button. The content of the tool body will be romantic for a long time. I'm sorry if the disc comes down from the knee. I didn't give you much money,.


". it didn't happen when I didn't tear it down. It came out as soon as I did!" Lao Luo lamented.


Everyone is distressed by bureaucracy and corruption.


I am grieved that my weak physical strength makes me unable to face the most benevolent face.


. he was distressed by his mistakes.


In the face of a *** all number of bad people's acts of endangering the country and the people, all the people across the country are distressed and express their determination to fight against them.


. seeing her sister's indomitable appearance though she didn't move, Jiang Qi quickly lowered her head and said sadly.


To make officials and people feel sad and resentful when they rob women and beat officials and soldiers.


. looking at these wolves on the grassland, I feel sad.


The villagers are all grieved at the atrocities of these bandits.


At the same time, she regretted for her reckless behavior, and cried out for the wrongs of the ill fated like a bachelor.


He couldn't help but grieve at the thought that he had wasted many good times.


. Mr. Zhang is very sad to see that he doesn't learn well when he sees children everywhere.


How can such hatred, such hatred, not be heartbreaking?


It's a sad thing to do.


. the father looks forward to his son, but the son is in prison. Being a father is naturally distressed and helpless.


There are many people who are addicted to wine and lust. It's heartbreaking!


When he thought of his past, he was distressed.


成語: 賞心悅目 拼音: shǎng xīn yuè mù

解釋: 悅目:看了舒服。指看到美好的景色而心情愉快。

出處: 明·無名氏《人中畫·風流配》壹:“長篇短章,不為不多,然半屬套語,半屬陳言,求壹言清新俊逸,賞心悅目者,迥然可得。”

成語: 歡欣鼓舞 拼音: huān xīn gǔ wǔ

解釋: 歡欣:欣喜;鼓舞:振奮。形容高興而振奮。

出處: 宋·蘇軾《上知府王龍圖書》:“自公始至,釋其重荷……是故莫不歡欣鼓舞之至。”

成語: 感恩戴德 拼音: gǎn ēn dài dé

解釋: 戴:尊奉,推崇。感激別人的恩惠和好處。

出處: 《三國誌·吳誌·駱統傳》:“今皆感恩戴義,懷欲報之心。”

成語: 感激涕零 拼音: gǎn jī tì líng

解釋: 涕:眼淚;零:落。因感激而流淚。形容極度感激。

出處: 唐·劉禹錫《平蔡行》詩:“路旁老人憶舊事,相與感激皆涕零。”