當前位置:成語大全網 - 八字成語 - 形容守株待兔的成語四個字的詞語



成語: 刻舟求劍 拼音: kè zhōu qiú jiàn

解釋: 比喻不懂事物已發展變化而仍靜止地看問題。

出處: 《呂氏春秋·察今》》:“楚人有涉江者,其劍自舟中墜於水,遽契其舟曰:‘是吾劍之所從墜。’舟止,從其所契者入水求之。舟已行矣,而劍不行,求劍若此,不亦惑乎?”

成語: 墨守成規 拼音: mò shǒu chéng guī

解釋: 墨守:戰國時墨翟善於守城;成規:現成的或久已通行的規則、方法。指思想保守,守著老規矩不肯改變。


好逸惡勞、 守株緣木、 刻舟求劍、

墨守成規、 緣木求魚、 坐享其成、


關於成語(守株待兔)的成語解釋和意思 拼音: shǒu zhū dài tù

解釋: 株:露出地面的樹根。原比喻希圖不經過努力而得到成功的僥幸心理。現也比喻死守狹隘經驗,不知變通。


成語: 標新立異 拼音: biāo xīn lì yì

解釋: 標:提出,寫明;異:不同的,特別的。提出新奇的主張,表示與眾不同。

出處: 南朝·宋·劉義慶《世說新語·文學》:“支道林在白馬寺中,將馮太常***語,因及《逍遙》,支卓然標新理於二家之表,立異於眾賢之外。”

成語: 別出心裁 拼音: bié chū xīn cái

解釋: 別:另外;心裁:心中的設計、籌劃。另有壹種構思或設計。指想出的辦法與眾不同。

出處: 明·李贄《水滸全書發凡》:“今別出心裁,不依舊樣,或特標於目外,或疊采於回中。”


1 守株待兔的作法只會讓機會白白溜走。

The act of waiting for the rabbit will only let the opportunity slip away.

2 幹警們隱蔽在犯罪嫌疑人寓所周圍,守株待兔,只等他出現。

The policemen are hiding around the suspect's apartment, waiting for him to appear.

3 現在我們就來個守株待兔,讓歹徒自投羅網。

Now let's wait for the villain to catch up.

4 經驗固然重要,但卻不能守株待兔,不知變通。

Experience is important, but we can't wait to see what happens.

5 做有些事不能只知道守株待兔,要主動抓住時機!

Do some things not only know to wait for the hare, to take the initiative to seize the opportunity!

6 我們要積極創造機會,而不是只會守株待兔而已。

We should actively create opportunities, not just wait for the hare.

7 教官躲在後門守株待兔,犯規的同學根本不知道。

The drillmaster hid in the back door and waited for nothing. The students who broke the rules didn't know.

8 平時學習不肯用功,考試想取得好成績,這不是守株待兔嗎?

Don't study hard at ordinary times and try to get a good result in the exam. Isn't that waiting for nothing?

9 與其我們這樣守株待兔,不如付出努力做這件事。

It's better to work hard than to wait for the hare.

10 想靠樂透彩發財,就像守株待兔,終究不是正常的生活態度。

If you want to make money by lottery, it's just like waiting for a rabbit. It's not a normal attitude towards life after all.

11 警方守株待兔,埋伏了幾天,歹徒始終沒有出現。

The police waited for a few days, but the gangster never showed up.

12 現在社會何等競爭,妳若只管守株待兔,遲早會被淘汰的。

How competitive is the society now? If you just wait for the hare, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

13 等待不是守株待兔,也不是坐吃山空。

To wait is not to wait for the hare, nor to sit back and eat the mountain.