當前位置:成語大全網 - 八字成語 - 形容不以為然的成語詞語和句子,四個字的詞語


形容不以為然的成語 成語: 嗤之以鼻 拼音: chī zhī yǐ bí

解釋: 嗤:譏笑。用鼻子吭聲冷笑。表示輕蔑。

出處: 《後漢書·樊宏傳》:“嘗欲作器物,先種梓漆,時人嗤之。”

成語: 不屑壹顧 拼音: bù xiè yī gù

解釋: 不屑:不值得,不願意;顧:看。認為不值得壹看。形容極端輕視。

出處: 明·方孝儒《送龔彥佐序》:“夫祿之以天下而系馬千駟,常人思以其身易之而不可得,而伊尹不屑壹顧視焉。”

成語: 不足掛齒 拼音: bù zú guà chǐ

解釋: 不足:不值得;掛齒:放在嘴上講。表示不值得壹提。

出處: 《史記·劉敬叔孫叔通傳》:“此特群盜鼠竊狗盜耳,何足置之齒牙間?”


成語: 微不足道 拼音: wēi bù zú dào

解釋: 微:細,小;足:值得;道:談起。微小得很,不值得壹提。指意義、價值等小得不值得壹提。

出處: 《谷梁傳·隱公七年》:“其不言逆,何也?逆之道微,無足道焉爾。”

關於成語(不以為然)的成語解釋和意思 拼音: bù yǐ wéi rán

解釋: 然:是,對。不認為是對的。表示不同意或否定。

出處: 宋·蘇軾《再乞罷詳定役法狀》:“右臣先曾奏論前衙壹役,只當招募,不當定差,執政不以為然。”


成語: 舉足輕重 拼音: jǔ zú qīng zhòng

解釋: 只要腳移動壹下,就會影響兩邊的輕重。指處於重要地位,壹舉壹動都足以影響全局。



1. If a person makes many mistakes, he or she may not take it seriously. However, if he or she does not take it seriously, it is more serious than making a mistake.


2. Xiaoming said that we must not peel when we eat apples. I don't think so and said: nonsense!


3. As part of the series, we turned one side of the old building into a huge three-dimensional outdoor advertisement. Most young people in Guangzhou like these ideas very much, while the eldest mothers don't think so.


4. I remember there was a parent who didn't think much of my advice on controlling children's pocket money, but when he found out that his son not only spent all his pocket money, but also took the money from home to buy game cards, he realized that it would hurt his children to spend all his money to satisfy their children.


5. People don't take it seriously in their own tragedies, and they feel the same in others' tragedies, even in the same plots.


6. Although I was chasing after the news, he didn't think so.


7. The six bad natures of life: self righteous, self contemptuous, depending on the old to sell the old, old-fashioned, out of place, indifferent. Do not take the above six points, if you remember to abandon early, I wish you a *** ooth life!


8. I advised him not to protest, but he didn't take it seriously and didn't change his bad habits.


9. The Chinese believe in convincing people by reason, but the Japanese don't, so they tend to send troops out.


10. Qin Qin said disapprovingly, "there is a girl in the village who uses that brand of shampoo. Her hair is very shiny. I only wanted to have the same hair as her at that time.".


11. He didn't take me seriously when I spoke to him.


12. He turned his head when he heard others talking.