成語: 心浮氣躁 拼音: xīn fú qì zào
解釋: 形容人性情浮躁,做事不踏實。
成語: 心浮氣盛 拼音: xīn fú qì shèng
解釋: 形容人性情浮躁,態度傲慢。
成語: 心急如焚 拼音: xīn jí rú fén
解釋: 心裏急得象著了火壹樣。形容非常著急。
出處: 元·王實
成語: 迫不及待 拼音: pò bù jí dài
解釋: 迫:緊急。急迫得不能等待。形容心情急切。
出處: 清·李汝珍《鏡花緣》第六回:“且系酒後遊戲,該仙子何以迫不急待。”
成語: 心急火燎 拼音: xīn jí huǒ liǎo
解釋: 心裏急得像火燒壹樣。形容非常焦急。
出處: 清·吳璇《飛龍全傳》:“那管院的太監,心燎意急,壹籌莫展。”
成語: 如坐針氈 拼音: rú zuò zhēn zhān
解釋: 象坐在插著針的氈子上。形容心神不定,坐立不安。
成語: 局促不安 拼音: jú cù bù ān
解釋: 局促:拘束。形容舉止拘束,心中不安。
成語: 忐忑不安 拼音: tǎn tè bù ān
解釋: 忐忑:心神不定。心神極為不安。
出處: 清·吳趼人《糊塗世界》卷九:“兩道聽了這話,心裏忐忑不定。”
拼音: chén bù zhù qì
解釋: 易激動,遇事保持不了冷靜鎮定。
Even Teddy KGB can't hold his breath or panic
"What are you doing here? Go to the restaurant for lunch!" said Xishun.
Murong Lei, the second prince, could not hold his breath. He swallowed his saliva and asked in a voice, "isn't it the whole department?".
Silence doesn't simply mean that people who just don't speak and can't hold their breath are prone to failure. Timely silence is a state of mind with wisdom and skill advantages in hand.
At this time, Xu Jie, who was always happy and angry, was also a little angry. His face stretched and tightened from time to time. It seemed that there was something difficult to decide.
. until the eighth round, the Challenger had the upper hand, and then he began to lose his temper.
. the new evidence against him took his breath away.
. I can't hold my breath at all. What's the style of wrestling.
. damn, why can't I go out to play when Shifu teaches me the array? Damn!
. just when everyone was tense and even Li Mu was a little frustrated and began to plan to attack.
The young people are the first to lose their breath and rise up in a riot, just like a quick lightning dog, with a palpitating light in their eyes.
. my father-in-law, I am not a son-in-law. It's a battle against the odds. If there's a humiliating mission, my son-in-law can't return his life and can't be trusted. What should I do?
As an old man in a high position, you can't hold your breath. Fortunately, this painting is a fake. If it is true, it will be destroyed soon?
Fuyuan is the first one who can't breathe. He has exposed himself to the earth before entering the room.
. yamagathi didn't expect that the sky was so heavy, but now that it has been done, it doesn't make much sense to regret any more.
. after lunch, jiaxingzi was still out of breath. He stood in the yard from time to time to look.
. for so many years, those young people can't hold their breath.
Therefore, some people take this opportunity to stir up the flames and create chaos. Once someone can't hold his breath, the situation will be out of control.
. the more letters he wrote, the more Shen Congwen became frustrated.
His disciple thought for a while, and one of them replied, "we shouted because we couldn't hold our breath.".
Aunt LAN is younger. She can't hold her breath. Her voice is sharp.
. it's a big surprise. I can't breathe at all.