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拼音: niàn niàn bù wàng

解釋: 念念:時刻思念著。形容牢記於心,時刻不忘。

出處: 《朱子全書·論語》:“言其於忠信篤敬,念念不忘。”


成語: 朝思暮想 拼音: zhāo sī mù xiǎng

解釋: 朝:早晨;暮:晚上。早晚都想念。形容非常想念或經常想著某壹件事。

出處: 明·馮夢龍《警世恒言》卷二十四:“再說沈洪自從中秋夜見了玉姐,到如今朝思暮想,廢寢忘餐。”

成語: 耿耿於懷 拼音: gěng gěng yú huái

解釋: 耿耿:有心事的樣子。不能忘懷,牽縈於心。

出處: 《詩經·邶風·柏舟》:“耿耿不寐,如有隱憂。


















. 我們學校許主任常常告訴我們要註意安全,這使我念念不忘。

Director Xu of our school often tells us to pay attention to safety, which makes me keep in mind.


This year, my mother and I went to my uncle's house to pay a new year's visit, and we tasted the "nanru duck" carefully made by my uncle. I always remember the "nanru duck" with all colors and flavors.


After the spring outing, a few days later, I still remember happy valley.


Those things that we thought we could never forget were forgotten in the process of our thinking.


Those things that we thought we could never forget were forgotten by us.


The happy valley of spring outing a week ago is still haunting me. It's really thrilling to think of it later!


In the summer vacation of, my parents took me to Hong Kong Ocean Park. I still remember all kinds of jellyfish there.


On Saturday, my mother took me to the performance. It was a thrilling scene. I can't forget it when I get home.


Although it has been more than ten years, he still thinks about the doctor who saved him.


Last time, I couldn't forget wearing the wrong shoes at school.


. I still remember what my mother said at that time.


My family's baby is called Dabao. It was sent away, but I can't forget its lovely and naive time.


A lot of things that we think we will never forget in our whole life are forgotten by us on the days that we will never forget


The teacher said: "to learn, we should never forget all the knowledge we have learned before and learn how to use it. Only in this way can we really learn to understand.". ".


. if you *** ile once, I will be happy for several days; but if you cry once, I will be sad for several years. Those things that we thought we could never forget were forgotten in the process of our thinking.




think constantly of



. he is nostalgic for his lost grandfather.


My mother said that because I'm obsessed with surfing, I'll get more marks in my English test. I'm so ashamed that I lowered my head and made up my mind to study hard in the future.


. the best way to keep someone thinking about you is to borrow money from him.


My father once said to me: there are too many people and things passing us in one's life. It's better to strive for tomorrow than to remember the passing.


Xiao Ming is going to transfer to another school. He is always thinking about his clas *** ates.


In the third grade, we held an open class. It was lively and interesting. We still remember it.


My mother and I went to Beijing to come back. What I can't forget is the Great Wall.


Zhang Ping is always thinking of raising his grandmother.


Music attracts us with its new trend and romance, which is that we can't forget to worship stars. At this point, music has a profound influence on me. Music has deeply shaped my heart.