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石油也稱原油或黑色金子,是壹種粘稠的、深褐色(有時有點綠色的)液體。地殼上層部分地區有石油儲存。它由不同的碳氫化合物混合組成,其主要組成成分是烷烴,此外石油中還含硫、氧、氮、磷、釩等元素。不過不同油田的石油成分和外貌可以有很大差別。石油主要被用來作為燃油和汽油,燃料油和汽油組成目前世界上最重要的壹次能源之壹。石油也是許多化學工業產品——如溶劑、化肥、殺蟲劑和塑料等的原料。 當今88%開采的石油被用作燃料,其它的12%作為化工業的原料。






英文標題 Study on Properties and Flowability Improving Mechanism for Sudan Crude Oil

作者 付先惠

專業與研究方向 油氣儲運工程 油氣集輸工藝理論與技術

指導教師 敬加強

申請學位等級 碩士

機構 西南石油大學

論文完成年度 2008

中圖分類號 TE81

中文關鍵詞 蘇丹原油;流動改進;稀釋;流變性;粘彈性;析蠟;屈服時間

英文關鍵詞 Sudan crude oil;flowability improving; dilution;rheological properties;viscoelasticity;wax crystallization;yield time

中文摘要 易凝高粘原油在較高溫度下存在明顯的粘度異常,其輸送能耗高、停輸再啟動困難,為確保其經濟安全輸送,有必要加強易凝高粘原油流動改進機理及其應用技術研究。為此,針對蘇丹(SD)3/7區原油易凝高粘、且對國內降凝劑普遍感受性差的特點,采用流變學測試和影像分析技術,測試和分析SD原油的流變性、屈服特性和粘彈性及其主要影響因素,建立SD原油流變性與蠟晶微觀結構的內在關系;結合SD原油的組成及模擬油特性,剖析SD原油易凝高粘的根源;對比分析SD原油在加降凝劑、稀釋劑以及同時加稀釋劑與降凝劑前後的凝點、流變特性、粘溫特性、粘彈特性及微觀蠟晶結構的變化,揭示蠟晶濃度(或蠟晶分子間作用力)對流動改進所起到的決定性作用,探討SD原油的流動改進機理。

研究表明:蘇丹原油高蠟和高瀝青膠質,以及較多高碳蠟是導致其高凝高粘的根本原因,而原油中金屬元素鎳、釩、鐵、鈉含量較高對高粘度也有壹定的貢獻作用。SD原油析蠟點為94℃,析蠟高峰為50~30℃,異常點為40℃;其蠟晶顆粒細小、對稱性差,所以具有較大的比表面能,容易形成聯生、聯鎖結構;損耗角 曲線與儲能模量 曲線或損耗模量 曲線的交點所對應的溫度與原油凝點或傾點溫度非常接近,大約在39℃左右;也就是說,含蠟原油粘彈特性曲線的交點可以表征其流動性;原油宏觀流變參數與微觀結構參數密切相關,原油析蠟過程及蠟晶微觀結構分析有助於詮釋易凝高粘原油多重流變特性的本質;膠凝含蠟原油的屈服時間隨剪切速率的降低而單調增加,二者顯然存在冪函數關系,可用關系式 描述;當SD原油加柴油(D)稀釋處理時,稀釋比越高,蠟晶顆粒的偏心度也越大,亦即蠟晶對稱性越好,分子間作用力越小,蠟晶顆粒越不易形成結構,宏觀表現為異常點、凝點及表觀粘度等流變參數下降的幅度越大,流動性越好。當稀釋SD原油加常規流動改進劑(PPD)時,只有在稀釋比大於等於30%D的情況下,PPD才表現出壹定的流動改進效果,且隨著稀釋比增加,流動改進效果越好,這充分說明只有當蠟晶顆粒濃度降低到壹定程度時,PPD的長鏈烷基才能嵌入蠟晶顆粒之間,使它們不斷聚集長大,與此同時PPD的極性部分將使蠟晶聚集體相互排斥,二者協同作用的結果將抑制蠟晶網狀結構的形成。因此,本課題研究為易凝高粘原油的安全經濟輸送技術發展奠定了理論基礎。

英文摘要 In our country, most of the crude oil is waxy and high viscosity, which is high energy consumption of transportation and difficult to restart after shutdown because of a clear viscosity abnormity under the high temperature. It is necessary to strengthen the study on properties and flowability improving mechanism and it’s application of the crude oil which is waxy and high viscosity to ensuring the economy and safety of transportation. Therefore, we take the study of 3/7 section of Sudan crude oil which is waxy and high viscosity, we study the basic specialities systematically, rheological properties, viscoelastic character, and the wax crystallization process of Sudan crude oil. In view of the waxy and high viscosity and the characteristic of insensitive to the freeze point depressant domestic generally, which is the characteristic of Sudan crude oil, the rheological test and microstructure analysis methods were adopted to study the rheological properties, yield characteristic, viscoelastic characteristic, and its major affecting factors of Sudan crude oil, the interconnection relationship between the rheological properties were founded, and the reason of waxy and high viscosity of Sudan crude oil radically were explained with combination of wax microstructure and the components of Sudan crude oil and stimulate oil characteristic to; the change of solidifying point, rheological properties, viscoelastic characteristic and the wax structure were contrasted and analysed while adding compound fore-and-aft of Sudan crude oil, adding the freeze point depressant directly, adding thinner, adding thinner and the freeze point depressant at the same time for Sudan crude oil, and then the determine effect of wax thickness (or intermolecular interaction of wax) on reducing pour point–viscosity was opened out; and the flowability improving mechanism of Sudan crude oil was probed into.

The study indicated the radical reason that high solidifying point and high viscosity of Sudan crude oil was caused of the high content of wax, asphaltene, colloid, and high carbon wax, and the high content of tantalum including vanadium, iron, natrium and nickel in the crude oil, which could have a stated contribute effect on high viscosity of Sudan crude oil; The wax appearance temperature is 94℃, the flood tide of wax appearance temperature was 50~30℃, the abnormity temperature was 40℃; it’s wax crystal was small in size and bad in symmetry, so the surface energy is huge enough to form the fabric of interlock; The intersection point temperature of curve and curve or curve was very close to freezing point or pour point of crude oil, approximately at 39℃; that is to say, the intersection point of viscoelastic characteristic curve can characterize it’s flowability of waxy crude oil. The macroscopic rheological parameters and microstructure parameters were closely related, it is helpful to explain the essence of multiple rheological properties through the analysis of which the wax evolution process and microstructure of the crude oil which is waxy and high viscosity; the yield time of gelled waxy crude oil monotone increases along with the decreasing of rate of shear (the time of stress effect prolonged), there was power function relationship between them, it can be expressed with ; when adding diesel oil (D) to Sudan crude oil, dilute proportion bigger the eccentricity degree of paraffin particles were bigger too, that was to say the symmetry of wax crystal was better, the wax crystal form fabric more hardly when the intermolecular interaction was smaller; in the light of macroscopica, the fall extent of the abnormity temperature, solidifying point and viscosity could be larger along with the accretion of dilute proportion, as a result, it’s rheological properties could be improved. It had some flowability improving efficiency after adding flow improver in diluted Sudan crude oil with the dilute proportion big or equal of 30%D, and the dilute proportion more, the effect better; It spoke volumes for that the long chain alkyl of PPD would embed in when the concentration of paraffin paticles declined to some degree, and let them aggregation and growth continuously, meanwhile, the polar portion of PPD would make wax aggregates mutual exclusiveness, the result of the synergistic effect of them could inhibit the waxy crystal to form reticular structure. Therefore, the topic’s study laid a foundation of which is the development of transportation with safety and economy technique for the waxy and high viscosity crude oil.