Its curfew gull just glides 戒嚴的天空,鷗鳥剛剛掠過
Upon four-legged forest clouds 高高在上穿越雲層和森林
Heading for the Gates of Eden 奮不顧身前往伊甸園之門
With a time-rusted compass blade 手持被時間斑駁的羅盤指針
Aladdin and his lamp 阿拉丁和他的神燈
Sits with Utopian hermit monks 就坐在懷揣烏托邦主義的僧侶和隱士邊
Side saddle on the Golden Calf 旁邊是金牛犢拉車
And on their promises of paradise 他們信誓旦旦天堂的存在
You will not hear a laugh 告誡著除了在伊甸園
All except inside the Gates of Eden 沒有其他地方妳能聽到笑聲的存在
Relationships of ownership 誰是誰的主人?
They whisper in the wings 他們在翅膀的遮掩下竊竊私語
To those condemned to act accordingly 在那些采取行動得人中
And wait for succeeding kings 將決定勝利之王
And I try to harmonize with songs 我試圖以歌聲緩和氣氛
The lonesome sparrow sings 孤立的小矮人唱道:
There are no kings inside the Gates of Eden“伊甸園中沒有王者。“
The motorcycle black madonna 邪惡的聖母瑪利亞坐在摩托車上
Two-wheeled gypsy queen 絕塵而去的吉普賽女王
And her silver-studded phantom cause 幽靈在她的手鐲上叮當作響
The gray flannel dwarf to scream 穿灰色法蘭絨的侏儒驚聲尖叫
As he weeps to wicked birds of prey 他以哭泣的方式向有罪的鳥兒們禱告
Who pick up on his bread crumb sins 原諒因撿拾他面包屑而犯下的罪行
And there are no sins inside the Gates of Eden 因為伊甸園中沒有罪惡