1、打火匣/ The Tinder-Box
2、小克勞斯與大克勞斯/ Great Claus and Little Claus?
3、豌豆上的公主/ The Princess on the Pea?
4、小意達的花兒/ Little Ida誷 Flowers?
5、拇指姑娘/ Thumbelina?
6、頑皮的孩子/ The Naughty Boy?
7、旅伴/ The Travelling Companion
8、海的女兒/ The Little Sea Maid
9、皇帝的新裝/ The Emperor誷 New Clothes
10、幸運的套鞋/ The Goloshes of Fortune
11、雛菊/ The Daisy
12、堅定的錫兵/ The Hardy Tin Soldier?
13、野天鵝/ The Wild Swans
14、天國花園/ The Garden of Paradise
15、飛箱/ The Flying Trunk
16、鸛鳥/ The Storks
17、銅豬/ The Metal Pig
18、永恒的友情/ The Bond of Friendship
19、荷馬墓上的壹朵玫瑰/A Rose From the Grave of Homer
20、夢神/ Ole Luk-Oie
21、玫瑰花精/ The Rose-Elf?
22、豬倌/ The Swineherd?
23、蕎麥/ The Buckwheat
24、安琪兒/ The Angel
25、夜鶯/ The Nightingale
26、戀人/ The Lovers
27、醜小鴨/ The Ugly Duckling
28、樅樹/ The Fir Tree
29、白雪皇後/ The Snow Queen
30、接骨木樹媽媽/ The Elder Tree Mother
31、?織補針/ The Darning-Needle
32、?鐘聲/ The Bell
33、?祖母/ Grandmother
34、?妖山/ The Elf-Hill
35、?紅鞋/ The Red Shoes
36、?跳高者/ The Jumper
37、?牧羊女和掃煙囪的人/ The Shepherdess and?the Chimney- Sweeper
38、?丹麥人荷爾格/ Holger the Dane
39、?賣火柴的小女孩/ The Little Match Girl
40、?城堡上的壹幅畫/ A Picture From the Fortress Wall
41、?瓦爾都窗前的壹瞥/ By the Alms house Window?
42、?老路燈/ The Old Street Lamp
43、?鄰居們/ The Neighbouring Families
44、?小杜克/ Little Tuk
45、?影子/ The Shadow
46、?老房子/ The Old House
47、?壹滴水/ The Drop of Water
48、?幸福的家庭/ The Happy Family
49、?母親的故事/ The Story of a Mother
50、?襯衫領子/ The Shirt Collar
51、?亞麻/ The Flax
52、?鳳凰/ The Phoenix Bird
53、?壹個故事/ A Story
54、?壹本不說話的書/ The Dumb Book
55、?區別/ 襎here Is a Difference
56、?老墓碑/ The Old Gravestone
57、?世上最美麗的壹朵玫瑰花/ The Loveliest Rose?in the World
58、?壹年的故事/ The Story of the Year
59、?最後的壹天/ On the Last Day
60、?完全是真的/ 襂t誷 Quite True
61、?天鵝的窩/ The Swan Nest
62、?好心境/ Good Humour
63、?傷心事/ A Great Grief
64、?各得其所/ Everything in Its Right Place
65、?小鬼和小商人/ The Goblin and the Huckster
66、?壹千年之內/ In a Thousand Years
67、?柳樹下的夢/ Under the Willow Tree
68、?壹個豆莢裏的五粒豆/ Five Out of One Pod
69、?天上落下來的壹片葉子/ A Leaf From the Sky
70、?她是壹個廢物/ She Was Good for Nothing
71、?最後的珠子/ The Last Pearl
72、?兩個姑娘/ Two Maidens
73、?在遼遠的海極/ In the Utter most Parts of the Sea
74、?錢豬/ The Money-Pig
75、?依蔔和小克麗斯玎/ Ib and Christine
76、?笨漢漢斯/ Jack the Dullard
77、?光榮的荊棘路/ The Thorny Road of Honour
78、?猶太女子/ The Jewish Girl
79、?瓶頸/ The Bottle-Neck
80、?聰明人的寶石/ The Stone of the Wise Men
81、?香腸栓熬的湯/ Soup on a Sausage-Peg
82、?單身漢的睡帽/ The Old Bachelor Nightcap
83、?壹點成績/ Something
84、?老櫟樹的夢—壹個聖誕節的童話/ The Last Dream of?the Old Oak Tree—A Christmas Tale
85、?識字課本/ The A、?B、?C、?Book
86、?沼澤王的女兒/ The Marsh King Daughter
87、?賽跑者/ The Racers
88、?鐘淵/ The Bell-Deep
89、?惡毒的王子/ The Wicked Prince
90、?壹個貴族和他的女兒們/ The Wind Tells About Waldemar Daa and His Daughters
91、?踩著面包走的女孩/ The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf
92、?守塔人奧列/ Ole the Tower-Keeper
93、?安妮·莉斯貝/ Anne Lisbeth
94、?孩子們的閑話/ Children Prattle
95、?壹串珍珠/ A String of Pearls
96、?筆和墨水壺/ The Pen and Inkstand
97、?墓裏的孩子/ The Child in the Grave
98、?兩只公雞/ The Farm-Yard Cock and Weathercock
99、?“美”/ Charming
100、?沙丘的故事/ A Story From the Sand-Dunes
101、?演木偶戲的人/ The Puppet Showman
102、?兩兄弟/ Two Brothers
103、?古教堂的鐘/ The Old Church Bell
104、?乘郵車來的十二位旅客/ Twelve by the Mail
105、?甲蟲/ The Beetle
106、?老頭子做事總不會錯/ What the Old Man DoesIs Right?
107、?雪人/ The Snow Man
108、?在養鴨場裏/ In the Duck-Yard
109、?新世紀的女神/ The Muse of the New Century
110、?冰姑娘/ The Ice Maiden
111、?蝴蝶/ The Butterfly
112、?素琪/ The Psyche
113、?蝸牛和玫瑰樹/ The Snail and the Rose Tree
114、?鬼火進城了/ 襎he Will-O?The-Wisps Arein the Town? Says the Moor-Woman
115、?風車/ The Windmill
116、?壹枚銀毫/ The Silver Shilling
117、?波爾格龍的主教和他的親族/ The Bishop of Bglum?and His Kinsmen
118、?在小寶寶的房間裏/ In the Nursery
119、?金黃的寶貝/ The Golden Treasure
120、?風暴把招牌換了/ The Storm Shifts the Signs
121、?茶壺/ The Tea- Pot
122、?民歌的鳥兒/ The Bird of Popular Song
123、?小小的綠東西/ The Little Green Ones
124、?小鬼和太太/ Brownie and the Dame
125、?貝脫、比脫和比爾/ Peter, Pete, and Peterkin
126、?藏著並不等於遺忘/ Hidden Is Not Forgotten
127、?看門人的兒子/ The Porter Son
128、?遷居的日子/ Removing-Day
129、?夏日癡/ The Snowdrop, or Summer-Geck
130、?姑媽/ Auntie
131、?癩蛤蟆/ The Toad
132、?幹爸爸的畫冊/ Godfather Picture-Book
133、?幸運可能就在壹根棒上/ Good Luck Can Lie In a Pin
134、?彗星/ The Comet
135、?壹個星期的日子/ The Days Of the Week
136、?陽光的故事/ Sunshine Stories
137、?曾祖父/ Great-Grandfather
138、?燭/ The Candle
139、?最難使人相信的事情/ The Most Incredible Thing