And everything you've given me 妳所給予我的壹切
I'll always keep it inside 我都會保留在心裏
You're the driving force in my life 妳是我生命中的動力
There isn't anything 沒有任何事情
Or anyone that I can be 或任何人,我可以成為
And it just wouldn't feel right 我將會感到不適
If I didn't have you by my side 如果我沒有妳在我身邊
You were there for me to love and care for me 妳就在那,愛我,關系我
When skies were grey 當天空是灰色的
Whenever I was down 當我的心情低落
You were always there To comfort me 妳就會在那裏,安慰我
And no one else can be , 沒有任何人
What you have been to me 對於我來說和妳壹樣
You'll always be 妳將永遠是
You will always be the comforter 妳將永遠是我的安慰者
In my life for all times 永遠的,在我的壹生中