當前位置:成語大全網 - 愛國詩句 - 給男友的英語情書,50字左右,自創啊。


You Warm My HeartDear Sweetheart, You brought love and laughter to my empty, sad and boring life. My heart had known only emptiness until the day you came and filled my heart to overflowing with your jovial ways. Your sense of humor has turned my frown into a smile. You taught me how to love again, you taught me to give and receive love by trusting in you and believing. You taught me to go the extra mile. And though there are miles between us, I never stop thinking of you, you have brought a change into my life and my heart is forever yours. I can never forget you, or keep thoughts of you out of my mind. I think of your sweet lips and kisses, feel them as if it was yesterday. Thoughts of you warm my heart. You complete me, you are everything my heart desire. Loving You Always, Judy 僅從字面翻譯:妳溫暖我的心親愛的甜心,妳帶來愛和笑聲,我的空虛,悲傷和枯燥的生活。我的心已經知道,直到有壹天妳來到,裝滿了我的心與您的愉快的方式滿溢唯壹的空虛。妳的幽默感變成了微笑我皺眉。妳教我怎樣愛,妳教我的信任給予和接受,並相信在妳的愛。妳教我去加倍努力。雖然我們之間有英裏,我從來沒有停止想妳,妳走進我的生活帶來了變化,我的心永遠屬於妳。我永遠不會忘記妳,或者保留我心中的思念了。我覺得妳甜蜜的嘴唇和親吻,感覺他們仿佛是昨天。對妳的思念溫暖著我的心。妳完成了我,妳是我心中的渴望的壹切。永遠愛妳,朱迪