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壹、 Shall I pare thee to a summer's day? 我怎麽能夠把妳來比作夏天? Thou art more lovely and more temperate; 妳不獨比它可愛也比它溫婉; Rough winds do shake the daring buds of May, 狂風把五月寵愛的嫩蕊作踐, And summer's lease ha th all too short a date; 夏天出賃的期限又未免太短; Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, 天上的眼睛有時照得太酷烈, And often is his gold plexion dimmed; 它那炳耀的金顏又常遭掩蔽; And every fair from fair sometime declines, 被機緣或無常的天道所摧折, By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed; 沒有芳艷不終於雕殘或銷毀。 But thy eternal summer shall not fade, 但是妳的長夏永遠不會雕落, Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade, 也不會損失妳這皎潔的紅芳, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st. 或死神誇口妳在他影裏漂泊。 So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, 當妳在不朽的詩裏與時同長。 So long lives this,and this gives life to thee. 只要壹天有人類,或人有眼睛, It will last and give you life.? 這詩將長存,並且賜給妳生命。 二、 Shakespeare Son? 12莎士比亞十四行詩 When I do count the clock that tells the time, 當我數著壁上報時的自鳴鐘, And see the brave day sunk in hideous night; 見明媚的白晝墜入猙獰的夜; When I behold the violet past prime, 當我凝望著紫羅蘭老了春容, And sable curls all silver'd o'er with white; 青絲的卷發遍灑著皚皚白雪; When lofty trees I see barren of leaves, 當我看見參天的樹枝葉盡脫, Which erst from heat did canopy the herd; 它不久前曾蔭蔽喘息的牛羊; And summer's green, all girded up in sheaves, 夏天的青翠壹束壹束地就縛, Born on the bier with white and bristly beard; 帶著堅挺的白須被舁上殮床; Then of thy beauty do I question make, 於是我不禁為妳的朱顏焦慮, That thou among the wastes of time must go, 終有天妳要加入時光的廢堆, Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake, 既然美和芳菲都把自己拋棄, And die as fast as they see others grow; 眼看著別人生長自己卻枯萎; And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence, 沒什麽抵擋得住時光的毒手 , Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence. 除了生育,當他來要把妳拘走。 三、 In loving thee thou know'st I am forsworn, 妳知道我對妳的愛並不可靠, But thou art ice forsworn, to me love swearing; 但妳賭咒愛我,這話更靠不住; In act thy bed-vow broke and new faith torn, 妳撕掉床頭盟,又把新約毀掉, ln vowing new hate after new love bearing. 既結了新歡,又種下新的憎惡。 But why of o oaths' breach do I accuse thee, 但我為什麽責備妳兩番背盟, When I break enty? I am perjured most; 自己卻背了二十次!最反復是我; For all my vows are oaths but to misuse thee, 我對妳壹切盟誓都只是濫用, And all my honest faith in thee is lost. 因而對於妳已經失盡了信約。 For I have sworn deep oaths of thy deep kindness, 我曾矢口作證妳對我的深愛, Oaths of thy love, thy truth, thy constancy, 說妳多熱烈、多忠誠、永不變卦, And, to enlighten thee, gave eyes to blindness, 我使眼睛失明,好讓妳顯光彩, Or made them swear against the thing they see; 教眼睛發誓,把眼前景說成虛假; For I have sworn thee fair; more perjured I, 我發誓說妳美!還有比這荒唐, To swear against the truth so foul a lie! 抹煞真理去堅持那麽黑的謊! 四、 Cupid laid by his brand, and fell asleep: 愛神放下他的火炬,沈沈睡去: A maid of Dian's this advantage found, 月神的壹個仙女乘了這機會 And his love-kindling fire did quickly steep 趕快把那枝煽動愛火的火炬 In a cold valley-fountain of that ground; 浸入山間壹道冷冰冰的泉水; Which borrow'd from this holy fire of Love 泉水,既從這神聖的火炬得來 A dateless lively heat, still to endure, 壹股不滅的熱,就永遠在燃燒, And grew a seething bath, which?yet men prove 變成了沸騰的泉,壹直到現在 Against strange maladies a sovereign cure. 還證實具有起死回生的功效。 But at my mistress' eye Love's brand new-fired, 但這火炬又在我情婦眼裏點火, The boy for trial needs would touch my breast; 為了試驗,愛神碰壹下我胸口, I, sick withal, the help of bath desired, 我馬上不舒服,又急躁又難過, And thither hied, a sad distemper'd guest, 壹刻不停地跑向溫泉去求救, But found no cure: the bath for my help lies 但全不見效:能治好我的溫泉 Where Cupid got new fire--my mistress' eyes. 只有新燃起愛火的、我情人的眼。 五、 The little Love-god lying once asleep 小小愛神有壹次呼呼地睡著, Laid by his side his heart-inflaming brand, 把點燃心焰的火炬放在壹邊, Whilst many nymphs that vow'd chaste life to keep 壹群蹁躚的貞潔的仙女恰巧 Came tripping by; but in her maiden hand 走過;其中最美的壹個天仙 The fairest votary took up that fire 用她處女的手把那曾經燒紅 Which many legions of true hearts had warm'd; 萬千顆赤心的火炬偷偷拿走, And so the general of hot desire 於是這玩火小法師在酣睡中 Was sleeping by a virgin hand disarm'd. 便繳械給那貞女的纖纖素手。 This brand she quenched in a cool well by, 她把火炬往附近冷泉裏壹浸, Which from Love's fire took heat perpetual, 泉水被愛神的烈火燒得沸騰, Growing a bath and healthful remedy; 變成了溫泉,能消除人間百病; For men diseased; but I, my mistress' thrall, 但我呵,被我情婦播弄得頭疼, Came there for cure, and this by that I prove, 跑去溫泉就醫,才把這點弄清: Love's fire heats water, water cools not love. 愛燒熱泉水,泉水冷不了愛情。 明代流 BUT wherefore do not you a mightier way Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time? And fortify yourself in your decay With means more blessèd than my barren rime? Now stand you on the top of happy hours, And many maiden gardens, yet unset, With virtuous wish would bear your living flowers, Much liker than your painted counterfeit: So should the lines of life that life repair Which this time's pencil or my pupil pen, Neither in inward worth nor ouard fair Can make you live yourself in eyes of men. To give away yourself keeps yourself still, And you must live, drawn by your own sweet skill. 但是為什麽不用更兇的法子 去抵抗這血淋淋的魔王--時光? 不用比我的枯筆吉利的武器, 去防禦妳的衰朽,把自己加強? 妳現在站在黃金時辰的絕頂, 許多少女的花園,還未經播種, 貞潔地切盼妳那絢爛的群英, 比妳的畫像更酷肖妳的真容: 只有生命的線能把生命重描; 時光的畫筆,或者我這枝弱管, 無論內心的美或外貌的姣好, 都不能使妳在人們眼前活現。 獻出妳自己依然保有妳自己, 而妳得活著,靠妳自己的妙筆。 I was her she was me 我就是她 她就是我 We were one we were free 我們是壹個人 我們很自由 And if there's somebody calling me on 如果有人在呼喚我 She's the one 她就是那個人 If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人呼喚我 She's the one 那壹定是她 We were young we were wrong 我們很年輕 我們曾做過錯事 We were fine all along 我們壹直都很好 If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人呼喚我 She's the one 她就是那個人 When you get to where you wanna go 當妳去了妳想去的地方 And you know the things you wanna know 妳知道了妳想知道的事情 You're *** iling 妳會開心的笑 When you said what you wanna say 當妳說出妳要說的 And you know the way you wanna play 按妳喜歡的方式做事 You'll be so high you'll be flying 妳會感覺妳在飛翔 Though the sea will be strong 盡管困難重重 I know we'll carry on 我知道我會繼續努力的 Cos if there's somebody calling me on 因為如果有人呼喚我 She's the one 她就是那個人 If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人呼喚我 She's the one 她就是那個人 第壹次讀英文詩,歡迎指教。 朗讀:Jeff 麥克風:Shure MV51 音頻後期:Adobe Audition 視頻後期:Adobe Premiere Pro BGM:Send Me A Letter - Robin Spielberg