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讓花兒為妳而微笑,——Let the flowers for you and smile,

讓寂寞悄悄的傾倒。——So lonely quietly dumping.

此刻,——At this moment,

妳在為誰而哭泣, ——For whom are you crying,

此刻,——At this moment,

妳在為誰而煩惱。——Who are you to worry about.

這些不能抹掉的,——These can not erase, the

讓花兒為妳而微笑。——Let the flowers for you and smile,

我拋開罪惡的鎖鏈,——I cast aside the chains of sin,

只為泅渡那壹刻我懵懂無心的花招。——Only for the moment I swim across the tricks no fools.

此刻,——At this moment,

妳在為誰而奔跑?——For whom are you running?

此刻,——At this moment,

妳在為誰而逃脫。——Who are you and escape.

這些不能改變的,——These can not be changed,

讓花兒為妳而微笑。——Let the flowers for you and smile,

我親愛的,——My dear,

請妳允許我在此刻呼喊妳,——Please allow me to cry at this point you

天快黑了,——The day quick has been black,

但我卻找不到了。——But I actually could not find.

我找不到妳在任何角落。 ——I could not find you in any corner.

我找不到我們初入的心情。—— I could not find the mood which we initially entered.

此刻,——At this moment,


此刻,——At this moment,

我在為我而嘲笑。——I in ridiculed for me.

這些讓妳傷心的都拋棄,——these let you sad get rid,

讓花兒為妳而微笑。——Let the flowers for you and smile,

讓花兒為妳而微笑,——Let the flowers for you and smile,



妳現在唯壹愛的人!——you now only love person!


Let the flower smile for you, lets lonely falling quietly. at this moment, do you in sob for who, at this moment, you for who, but worry. these cannot erase, lets the flower smile for you. I abandon the evil the catena, only to swim across that moment I ignorant trick unintentionally. at this moment, do you in run for who? at this moment, do you in escape for who. these cannot change, lets the flower smile for you. I dear, asks you to allow me at this moment to shout you, the day quick has been black, but I actually could not find. I could not find you in any corner. I could not find the mood which we initially entered. at this moment, I in burst into tears for you. at this moment, I in ridiculed for me. these let you sad get rid, lets the flower smile for you. lets the flower smile for you, dear, sorry. you now only love person!