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請問 哪位朋友有 拜倫的《去國行》英文版詩歌 壹定是英文的喲。

拜倫《去國行》 Byron "to the country"

壹 A

別了,別了! The other, do it! 故國的海岸 Native country of the Coast

消失在海水盡頭; Disappeared into the sea at the end;

洶濤狂嘯,晚風悲嘆, Tumultuous Kuang Xiao Tao, Wan Feng lament

海鷗也驚叫不休。 Seagull also exclaimed over.

海上的紅日徑自西斜, The Red Sea went on West Ramp,

我的船揚帆直追; I close on the heels of the sail boat;

向太陽、向妳暫時告別, To the sun, say goodbye to you for the time being,

我的故鄉呵,再會! Oh my hometown, and then will be!

二 Two

不幾時,太陽又會出來, When not, the sun will come out,

又開始新的壹天; And the beginning of a new day;

我又會招呼藍天、碧海, I would call blue sky, clear water,

卻難覓我的家園。 But I find homes.

華美的第宅已荒無人影, Dizhai of China and the United States has no shortage of sight,

爐竈裏火滅煙消; Yan Xiao, stove fire out;

墻垣上野草密密叢生, On the wall through the weeds to crop up

愛犬在門邊哀叫。 Aijiao dog at the door.

三 Three

“過來,過來,我的小書童! "Come, come, my little Shu Tong!

妳怎麽傷心痛哭? How sad you cry?

妳是怕大海浪濤洶湧, Are you afraid of the sea waves raging,

還是怕狂風震怒? Angry or afraid of the wind?

別哭了,快把眼淚擦幹; Do not cry, wiped away tears hang;

這條船又快又牢靠: The ship quick and reliable:

咱們家最快的獵鷹也難 Let's fastest falcon family is hard

飛得像這般輕巧。 Flying such as lightweight. ” "

四 Four

“風只管吼叫,浪只管打來, "Just the wind roar, waves just call,

我不怕驚風險浪; I am not afraid of the risk of shock wave;

可是,公子呵,您不必奇怪 However, the son Oh, you do not have to wonder

我為何這樣悲傷; I am so sad for that;

只因我這次拜別了老父, I take leave because of the father,

又和我慈母分離, And a loving mother and I separated

離開了他們,我無親無故, They left, I no family,

只有您——還有上帝。 Only you - and God.

五 Five

“父親祝福我平安吉利, "I wish my father safely Geely,

沒怎麽怨天尤人; Not how the blame on others;

母親少不了唉聲嘆氣, Ultimately, the mother lament,

巴望到我回轉家門。 I look forward to turning to their homes. ” "

“得了,得了,我的小夥子! "Come, come, my boy!

難怪妳哭個沒完; No wonder you were crying Mei Wan;

若像妳那樣天真幼稚, If you like as naive,

我也會熱淚不幹。 I will do tears.

六 Six

“過來,過來,我的好伴當! "Come, come, my dear, when accompanied by!

妳怎麽蒼白失色? How pale you are pale?

妳是怕法國敵寇兇狂, Are you afraid of France fierce enemy mad,

還是怕暴風兇惡? Or fear of ferocious storm? ” "

“公子,您當我貪生怕死? "Son, I am afraid to die when you?

我不是那種膿包; I am not the kind of good-for-nothing;

是因為掛念家中的妻子, Miss home because his wife,

才這樣蒼白枯槁。 This was pale and haggard.

七 Seven

“就在那湖邊,離府上不遠, "It is on the lake, not far away from your family,

住著我妻兒壹家; I have a wife and children lived;

孩子要他爹,聲聲哭喊, His father to the child, the sound of crying,

叫我妻怎生回話? Zensheng wife asked me back? ” "

“得了,得了,我的好夥伴! "Come, come, my good partners!

誰不知妳的悲傷; I do not know who your grief;

我的心性卻輕浮冷淡, My mind is a cold light,

壹笑就去國離鄉。 'll Leave the country laugh. ” "

八 Eight

誰會相信妻子或情婦 Who would believe that the wife or mistress

虛情假意的傷感? The false sad?

兩眼方才還滂沱如註, Eyes just as torrential also note,

又嫣然笑對新歡。 Yan Ran and laughter of new love.

我不為眼前的危難而憂傷, I do not for the immediate distress and sorrow,

也不為舊情悲悼; Jiuqing not mourn;

傷心的倒是:世上沒壹樣 It's sad: the world did not like

值得我珠淚輕拋。 Zhu Lei, I should be throwing light.

九 Nine

如今我壹身孤孤單單, Now I have a alone,

在茫茫大海飄流; Drift in the ocean;

沒有任何人把我牽念, I have no one to Qian Nian,

我何必為別人擔憂? Why should I worry about other people?

我走後哀吠不休的愛犬 I left sorrow over the dog bark

會跟上新的主子; Will keep up with the new masters;

過不了多久,我若敢近前, Before long, if I dare Jin Qian,

會把我咬個半死。 I would bite a half dead.

十 Ten

船兒呵,全靠妳,疾駛如飛, Chuaner Oh, you entirely, speeding swiftly,

橫跨那滔滔海浪; The waves rolling across;

任憑妳送我到天南地北, No matter how far apart you gave me to,

只莫回我的故鄉。 Mo and I just returned home.

我向妳歡呼,蒼茫的碧海! I assure cheer you, the vast blue sea!

當陸地來到眼前, When the land came to the front,

我就歡呼那石窟、荒埃! I was Cave hail, drought and Egypt!

我的故鄉呵,再見! Oh my hometown, good-bye!