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The love of one's country is a splendid thing -- but why should love stop at the border?

--Pablo Casals



God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed.

--Luis Bunuel



The love of their country is with them only a mode of flattering its master; as soon as they think that master can no longer hear, they speak of everything with a frankness which is the more startling because those who listen to it become responsible.

--Marquis De Custine



Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his country, it is a sign that he expects to be paid for it.

--H. L. Mencken



To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely.

--Edmund Burke





The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

--Thomas Paine




Carrying five thousand years of Chinese civilization, Nurtured hundreds of millions of Chinese sons and daughters. Please let me call you soon as: Mother, my homeland. You walk millennium, Four of civilization to create a science hall. Xian Fei nine days absolutely shine in the world, I use the fruits of science and technology, praise you: My wise mother! I humiliated you, Stigma covered with centuries of war trauma. Traumata shame to write decadent chapter I use today's prosperity, infirmary you: My stubborn mother! You struggle upward, 30 innovation in the building of prosperous and strong. Shenzhou Chang Yuan handed down a dream I use the revival of the reform, praise you: I am the mother of prosperity! You love no-chiang, Natural disasters shattered vein chest. Beautiful stained blood overflowing rivers and mountains, I use the unity of all ethnic groups, treatment you: I love the mother! You flourishing handwriting, Yao made the Beijing Olympics the Chinese fashion. The technology exhibition China athletes glory. I use bright gold, praise you: I have a strong mother! You have suffered a lot, Half of the financial crisis swept. Strong financial vows to turn things around. I use gorgeous applause, advocating you: I am a great mother! Rivers of history Small shed-like feats you countless stars. I use the future peaceful reunification of the blessings you: My mother, attracted worldwide attention - China! 承載五千年的華夏文明, 孕育億萬中華兒女。

請讓我叫您壹聲: 母親,我的祖國。 您行走千年, 四大文明開創科學殿堂。

龍飛九天顯絕世界光芒, 我要用科技的碩果、贊美您: 我睿智的母親! 您壹世屈辱, 百年戰火烙印滿身創傷。 瘡痍恥辱寫頹廢篇章, 我要用如今的富強、療養您: 我頑強的母親! 您拼搏向上, 三十革新建設繁榮富強。

神州嫦娥圓傳世夢想, 我要用改革的復興、歌頌您: 我昌盛的母親! 您大愛無疆, 天災人禍震裂脈絡胸膛。 鮮血四溢染錦繡河山, 我要用各族的團結,治療您: 我博愛的母親! 您盛世手筆, 北京奧運耀發中華風尚。

各技健兒展華夏雄風。 我要用璀璨的金牌、稱頌您: 我強健的母親! 您歷盡滄桑, 金融危機席卷半壁江山。

雄厚財政誓扭轉乾坤。 我要用華麗的掌聲、崇尚您: 我偉大的母親! 歷史的河流 細淌您無數星辰般的偉績。

我要用未來的和平統壹祝福您: 我舉世矚目的母親——中國。


我的祖國, 高山巍峨, 雄偉的山峰俯瞰歷史的風狂雨落, 暮色蒼茫, 任憑風雲掠過。

堅實的脊背頂住了億萬年的滄桑從容不迫。 我的祖國, 大河奔騰, 浩蕩的洪流沖過歷史翻卷的漩渦, 激流勇進, 洗刷百年汙濁, 驚濤駭浪拍擊峽谷湧起過多少命運的顛簸。

我的祖國, 地大物博, 風光秀美孕育了瑰麗的傳統文化, 大漠收殘陽, 明月醉荷花, 廣袤大地上多少璀璨的文明還在熠熠閃爍。 我的祖國, 人民勤勞, 五十六個民族相濡以沫, 東方神韻的精彩, 人文風貌的風流, 千古流傳著多少美麗動人的傳說。

這就是我的祖國, 這就是我深深愛戀的祖國。 祖國啊 我親愛的祖國 我是妳河邊上破舊的老水車 數百年來紡著疲憊的歌 我是妳額上熏黑的礦燈 照妳在歷史的隧洞裏蝸行摸索 我是幹癟的稻穗;是失修的路基 是淤灘上的駁船 把纖繩深深 勒進妳的肩膊-- 祖國啊! 我是貧困 我是悲哀 我是妳祖祖輩輩 痛苦的希望啊 是"飛天"袖間 千百年來未落到地面的花朵-- 祖國啊 我是妳簇新的理想 剛從神話的蛛網裏掙脫 我是妳雪被下古蓮的胚芽 我是妳掛著眼淚的笑窩 我是新刷出的雪白的起跑線 是緋紅的黎明 正在噴薄-- 祖國啊 我是妳十億分之壹 是妳九百六十萬平方的總和 妳以傷痕累累的乳房 餵養了 迷惘的我,深思的我,沸騰的我 那就從我的血肉之軀上 去取得 妳的富饒,妳的榮光,妳的自由-- 祖國啊 我親愛的祖國 歌頌祖國詩歌-祖國啊,我為妳自豪 當巍峨的華表, 讓挺拔的身軀披上曙光, 當雄偉的天安門, 讓風雲迎來東升的太陽。

歷史的耳畔, 傳來了禮炮的隆隆回響, 字串7 那排山倒海般的回響, 是中國滄桑巨變的回響。 壹位巨人俯瞰著世界, 洪亮的聲音, 全世界都聽到了, 中華人民***和國成立了! 當第壹面五星紅旗冉冉升起, 那勝利的旗幟, 在朗朗的空中迎風飄揚, 人民揚起了頭顱, 全世界都看到了, 中國人民從此站起來了! 這歷史凝聚了宏偉, 盡情地塗染十月的陽光, 這氣勢慷慨激昂, 築起了壹座豐碑屹立在世界的東方。

輝煌的紀元, 用蒼勁的大手, 抒寫了新中國燦爛的篇章, 人民自豪地指點江山。 苦難的母親, 擦去滿眼的淚花, 露出內心的喜悅由衷地歡暢, 祖國豪邁地走向了繁榮富強。

謳歌我們的歷史, 有盤古開天辟地的神話, 迸發出生命的光芒。 謳歌我們的歷史, 有四大發明的榮耀, 播撒在這片荒蕪的土地上。

謳歌我們的歷史, 有老子孔子的聖明, 幾千年文明的聖火把我們照亮。 謳歌我們的歷史, 絲綢瓷器遠涉重洋, 誰都知道這是來自我們的故鄉。

謳歌我們的歷史。 那狼煙裏沖殺出, 字串5 兵馬俑威武的陣容。

謳歌我們的歷史, 那雄偉中聳立著, 萬裏長城的剛強。 謳歌我們的歷史, 千萬年古老的土地, 曾留下多少可歌可泣的悲壯, 那東亞病夫百年恥辱的帽子, 終於被我們拋到了太平洋上, 我們實現了重整河山的夢想。

五十七個春秋, 錦繡大地神采飛揚。 五十七個春秋, 江山如畫詩意酣暢。

五十七個春秋, 轟隆的鐵牛梳理著田野的歌喉, 翻卷出豐收的喜悅與歡唱。 五十七個春秋, 貧油的國土拱起鋼鐵的脊梁, 石油井架聳立在沙海大洋中。

五十七個春秋, 壹座座彩虹跨越長江, 雄偉的三峽大壩鎖住千裏蒼茫。 五十七個春秋, "兩彈"的紅雲刺破天穹, 壹顆顆衛星遨遊太空。

五十七個春秋, 人民的軍隊威武雄壯, 捍衛祖國的江山鐵壁銅墻。 五十七個春秋, 人民駕馭改革的春風, 實現中華民族偉大的復興。

跨越我們的未來, 在這片神聖的土地上, 勃發出震驚世界的力量, 光榮和自豪煥發出輝煌的容光。 祖國啊, 我為妳自豪, 中華民族燦爛的文化, 匯入歷史的長河, 永遠在我的胸中激蕩。

祖國啊, 我為妳自豪, 精彩神奇的土地上, 又壹次萌發了騰飛的希望, 歷史的巨筆將繪出妳新世紀的輝煌。


I love my motherland

There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hard-working people .She is just like a diamond (鉆石),shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China !

I love my motherland !Because I love the different races of my country .Each race has its own culture and customs.Some people are kind,some people are generous,some people are humorous..Anyway ,I can't display every race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming much stronger tham before .

My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .When the foreigners talk about China ,they all extend their thums and say"En。China is a famous and fantastic country !"Yes,that's ture ! We have the Great Wall ,the world's second longest river ,the oldest history and the most beautiful culture .As we all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice .How great it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly "My country is really great !My country is really beautiful !



Motherland,祖國,You are youthful!妳 是青春!Among the many pretty ones, 萬千佳麗, Only you do not use makeup. 唯有妳不施脂粉。

You have a radiance all your own 光彩照人. Among scores of high mountains, 百十山嶽Only you have a longer horizon.唯有妳天開地闊。 You will be more prosperous and powerful.將變得更加繁榮和富強.You are China!妳 是中國! Long live our great motherland!我們偉大的祖國萬歲!You are wonderful! 妳真棒。

6.愛國詩歌 英文的 謝謝啦

★贊頌祖國的詩歌壹★: 習習的秋風啊!吹著,吹著! 俺要贊美俺祖國的花 俺要贊美俺如花的祖國! 請將俺的字吹成壹簇鮮花, 金底黃,玉底白,春釀底綠,秋山底紫, ……然後又統統吹散, 吹得落英繽紛,彌漫了高天,鋪遍了大地!Praise of a country 9:28 poetry u:Chill winds!!!!! The blow, blow the!I will praise the an motherland of flowersI will praise the an such as flower of the motherland!Please send my word blow in a bunch of flowers,The gold yellow, white jade bottom, making the spring green, purple of quarters,。

Then all blow,Blow lost its profusion, permeated the high day, spread all over the earth!。


祖國,我不用言語 我在妳的大地上行走 我用妳給我的步履 我在妳的河流裏遊動 我用妳給我的記憶 祖國 我不用言語 睜開眼全是妳的面龐 用心聽全是妳的聲音 早晨是宋詞的早晨 黃昏是唐詩的黃昏 雨巷是楚國的雨巷 風濤是塞北的風濤 站起來就是軒轅的古樹和偉大的長城 倒下去也是不屈的精神和祖先的領土 妳是母親 不需要我說出感激 妳是愛人 讓我感受溫存 我讀 古希臘的哲學 法蘭西的主義 白宮的草坪 紅場的磚石 馬克思的胡子 愛迪生的光明 惠特曼的草帽 耶和華的手指 改變不了 我的軀體是中國人的軀體 我的祖先我的家人呼吸中國的空氣暢飲中國的甘泉 我的血管湧動孔子的智慧屈原的悲憤文天祥的正義 我們紡織棉花 我們種植水稻 我們拉網打魚 壹輩輩老死在妳隨便壹座山巒 流浪在妳任意壹片草地 哭泣 歡樂 和美好的男子相愛 唱歌 奔走 寫信 約會 在妳的祖蔭下渡過四季 中國的歷史 痛苦是中國人的痛苦 恥辱是中國人的恥辱 中國的文化 字典是民族的字典 成語是中國的成語 我們在宣紙上塗墨 在瓷器上繪畫 用茶葉招待客人 用善良交換善良 用和平呼喚和平 負重是我們古老的典故 人民是我們永恒的英雄 戰爭或者建設 在妳的面前留下了 消失了 毀滅了 輝煌了 黃河永遠沒有流盡的日子 泰山再也沒有輕薄的印跡 當生命將在妳的歷史流星般劃過之際 我將獻出我所有的愛意 祖國 我不用言語 。



In the eyes of foreigners

You are you are a porcelain tea

Taishan you you are the Great Wall

You are the Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing

You are the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Xi'an

In the eyes of Chinese people

You are you are Nuwa pangu

You are you are the Emperor Dayu

You are the Bai's "Everlasting Regret"

You are the Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions"

In the eyes of history

You are you are Confucius Zhuangzi

You are the "Book of Changes" You are a "Mirror"

You are together a long period of a long period of sub-sub-Hop

You are the natural and man-made carnivals

In the future in mind

You are the question mark is the exclamation mark your

You dash you are ellipsis

You are a neat half of regular script stringent

You are half of Dragon Tiger Leap

2.My country,

I deeply love the motherland

You are the majestic lion dancing ----- China's Treasures,

You are the origin of human wisdom ----- Spark ignited civilization.

Do you have a sacred name,

That is China!

That is China ah, my motherland.

I deeply love the motherland.

I deeply love my motherland,

Beating heart throb with the pulse of five thousand years,

I deeply love my motherland,

Pentium blood surging forward to the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers waves waves,

I deeply love my motherland,

Yellow skin color printed ancestors left behind,

I deeply love my motherland,


I love my motherland There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hard-working people .She is just like a diamond (鉆石),shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China ! I love my motherland !Because I love the different races of my country .Each race has its own culture and customs.Some people are kind,some people are generous,some people are humorous..Anyway ,I can't display every race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming much stronger tham before . My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .When the foreigners talk about China ,they all extend their thums and say"En。

China is a famous and fantastic country !"Yes,that's ture ! We have the Great Wall ,the world's second longest river ,the oldest history and the most beautiful culture .As we all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice .How great it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly "My country is really great !My country is really beautiful ! 望采納,謝謝。