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During the Islamic Revolotion in Iran, Iranian Kurdish poet Sahel Farzan and his wife Mina are arrested and imprisoned, an imprisonment that only Mina survives, or so she believes. But while Mina, released after 5 years, struggles to make a new life for herself and her children in Istanbul, Sahel is in fact alive. When he is finally released 25 years later, he emerges to find that everyone he knew believes him dead, an in returning to his family he weill have to re-examine the last 30 years and perhaps face some hard truths about himself...


20世紀70年代末,伊朗爆發翻天覆地的革命。庫德族詩人薩赫爾(Behrouz Vossoughi 飾)在革命中受到沖擊,他被指控撰寫大量抨擊批判當局的政治詩歌而和妻子米娜(莫妮卡·貝魯奇 Monica Bellui 飾)遭到逮捕。在獄中,夫婦倆經受了殘酷的折磨和非人待遇。歷經三十年的漫長刑期,薩赫爾重獲自由,此時米娜早於五年前離開監獄。為了尋找妻子的下落,薩赫爾輾轉來到土耳其。飽受時代和命運碾壓的夫婦,他們的苦難遠遠沒有盡頭。荒野上的無助尋訪,往昔斑駁滴血的記憶交替浮現……

本片根據伊朗詩人Sadegh Kamangar的日記改編,榮獲2012年亞太電影節最佳攝影獎

演職員表 演員表 角色 演員 薩赫爾 Behrouz Vossoughi? 米娜 莫妮卡·貝魯奇 -- 伊爾瑪茲·艾多甘 職員表



制片人:Menderes Demir(巴赫曼·戈巴迪)


第7屆亞洲電影大獎 (2013)

最佳攝影 Turaj Aslani 最佳美術指導 Ali Daryai / 巴赫曼·戈巴迪 最佳剪接(提名) Valérie Loiseleux 最佳視覺效果 Farbod Khoshtinat