Goodbye, dear friend and graduate!
Our golden time is over now,
Our time of nothing more than time,
Days of simply being friends.
But I will always treasure how
Your love for me slipped into mine,
Embracing me where courage ends.
2.Graduation Is a Time
Graduation is a time
For feeling very proud,
For thinking lots of lovely thoughts
And saying them out loud.
It's a time for feeling love
About to overflow,
And just before it leaps its banks,
To let the loved one know.
And so I'm very proud of you
For being who you are,
For making something of yourself,
For making it this far.
I'm proud because I am a part
Of everything you do.
This time's the time to say how much
In love I am with you.
3.Thank You for Your Love Throughout the Years
Thank you for your love throughout the years.
How else could I become what I've become?
All your plans and hopes and even fears
Now come together in what I have done.
Know that I am grateful for your love.
Your hard work is mirrored now in mine.
On you all my accomplishments must shine.
Underneath my pride, your spirits move.