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An unicorn is a legendary creature. It looks like a horse or goat, with one single horn on its head. The word unicorn means literally "one-horn".Unicorns are found in many stories and myths from different parts of the world, especially China and India. Its blood and horn usually have mystical powers. In Western culture, its horn is said to have power to heal wounds and sickness, and to neutralize poison。


An unicorn is a legendary creature. It looks like a horse or goat, with one single horn on its head. The word unicorn means literally "one-horn".Unicorns are found in many stories and myths from different parts of the world, especially China and India. Its blood and horn usually have mystical powers. In Western culture, its horn is said to have power to heal wounds and sickness, and to neutralize poison。


"the adventures of tintin" is a world-renowned film good at creating images spectacle spielberg and peter jackson together to create out. the film is based on the comic book "the unicorn's secret" adapted from, i deeply attract by the film. various roles in the movie gives lifelike realism, nearly two hours of viewing, i actually did not see it the characters are digital synthesis, there is not even a real person, shooting technology is really marvel !

"adventures of tintin" the film is not only good shooting technique, content is also very exciting, and brother, after reading the excited shouting look at the second part. movie hero tintin and his partner "snow" by international drug trafficking syndicates kidnapped on a cargo vessel, and thus lead to a just and evil.

hero tintin is a reporter, his distress when they are calm and optimistic, very smart. he hijacked the wrong aircraft through the wall of death, and even into the desert undaunted, the last pirate child red mubarak mother suffered a thousand difficulties to find "treasures secret. the evil always overcome not justice the vicious sacalin arrested. tintin is the kind face of difficulties, the all-conquering spirit deeply touched me, his body filled with charming youthful. more than a good movie, it is not seen enough!

although we never quite found the experience those things like tintin, but does not mean that there is no difficulty in our lives. as captain haddock said: "if there is a wall to stand in front of you, you should not hesitate to break through it!" this is not exactly tell us the difficulties life to how to do this?



Captain Haddock: I thought you were an optimist.Tintin: You were wrong, weren't you? I'm a realist.Captain Haddock: Ah, it's just another name for a quitter.Tintin: You can call me what you like. Don't you get it? We failed.Captain Haddock: Failed. There are plenty of others willing to call you a failure. A fool. A loser. A hopeless souse. Don't you ever say it of yourself. You send out the wrong signal, that is what people pick up. Don't you understand? You care about something, you fight for it. You hit a wall, you push through it. There's something you need to know about failure, Tintin. You can never let it defeat you.。



UNICORN(獨角馬) ,他源自歐洲,通常是純白色,頭頂中央長著壹長約半米至壹米的長角。有關獨角馬的最早記錄,可追溯至於公元5世紀著鹹的《波斯史》,其中提及獨角馬的長角是黑紅色,只要喝下由這種角磨鹹的粉末沖成為水,便可百毒不侵。再看中世紀歐洲的圖畫或版畫,有不少美女伴著獨角馬的晝面,令人覺得它代表純潔、溫和及浪漫;但另壹方,有不少歐洲寓言、傳說也把獨角馬寫鹹殘酷暴戾的猛獸。但無論如何獨角馬在西方文化中的確十分著名,到了現在,蘇格蘭王室的紋章也有著壹匹獨角馬的圖案.



讀音:英 [?ju:n?k?:n] 美 [?ju:n?k?:rn]


復數: unicorns


1、The sculpture is the mythical unicorn.


2、Opening image: A glorious well-oiled angel riding on a winged unicorn.





讀音:英 ['ki:l?n] 美 ['k?l?n]

n. 麒麟(中國古代傳說中的吉祥物,雄的稱麒,雌的稱麟)

n. (Kylin)人名;(瑞典)許林

例句:Kylin, a quadruped, is an auspicious symbol. Therefore, the words concerned with these three animals are commendatory.



讀音:英 [lu:?] 美 [lu:?]


例句:Chinese people are proud to call themselves "the offspring of the Loong".
