you,
Mother,
for
your
love,
your
smiles,
your
faith
and
trust,
but
most
of
all
for
being
such
a
wonderful
mother.
謝謝您,母親,謝謝您的愛撫、您的微笑、您的信念、您的信任,但最重要的是,謝謝您是這樣慈祥敦厚的母親。
Word
can
say
so
little
when
someone
cares
so
much.
Mother,
I'm
wishing
that
these
were
a
way
to
tell
you
the
things
that
I'd
so
like
to
say
——How
thankful
am
and
how
very
proud,
too,
to
have
a
wonderful
mother
like
you.
您對我的愛是這樣深,言語的表敘顯得實在無力。
母親,我希望這句話能告訴您我最想說的事——我多麽感謝您,又多麽自豪,因為我有像您這樣慈愛的母親。