世界因此燦爛。The whole world is splendid because of that
我們歌唱九月,We sing for September
因為這是您永恒的節日。It is because that is your eternal holiday
我們牢記九月,We will keep September in mind
因為這是我們真誠的表白。It is because this is our sincere confession
九月是只情滿四溢的杯子,September is a glass which full of our emotion
我們用雙手高高地舉起 Both our hands are raising very high
壹片真誠的祝福聲中,Among the sound of sincere blessing
請您幹杯。Please cheers
九月的樂章已經奏響,The movement of September is already intonieren
請接受我們九月的獻禮吧,Please receive our presents in September
所有拼搏在教育戰線的老師。This is for all the teachers which is working for the education
教師禮贊 The song for teachers
多少年季節輪回,多少個春夏秋冬,How many years coming again and again, how many seasons past can come
妳是紅燭燃燒著亮麗的生命,You are the candle which is buring your beautiful life
奉獻幾多血和汗,不求青史留英名,Devoting a lot blood and sweat, do not expect to have a niche in history
妳用真情傳播著智慧的火種。You use your truth to spread the kinding of wisdom
就象那春蠶獻出壹生的忠誠,Just like the spring silkworms devoting the loyal of life
就象那冬梅吟唱著早春的歌聲。Just like the wintersweet singing the song for the prevernal
多少個不眼之夜,多少次燈光長明,How many white nights , how many times the lights are on for whole night
妳在漫漫的長夜裏有伏案的身影,You silhouette beside the desk during the long night
青絲之間添華發,三尺講臺蕩笑聲,There are some grey hair among your hair, but we still can hear the laugh on the platform
妳用友愛縮短著心與心的路程。You use your love curtail the distence between the hearts
妳是那陽光融化冷漠的冰雪,You just like the sun melt the snow
妳是那向導引人走出科學的迷宮。You are the guide to guide us get out of the maze of science
啊!光榮的教師,辛勤的園丁! OH, glorious teachers, arduous gradener
桃李芬芳是妳的歡樂,默默奉獻無私的心靈。Your students become successful is all your happy, you have a selfless service heart
啊!光榮的教師,辛勤的園丁! OH, glorious teachers, arduous gradener
桃李芬芳是妳的歡樂,默默奉獻無私的心靈。Your students become successful is all your happy, you have a selfless service heart