Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Today is God's gift,
That's why we call it the present
--Joan Rivers
Time's a bird,which leaves its footprints
At the corners of your eyes,
Time's a jockey,racing horses,
The sun and moon across the skies,
Time's a thief,stealing your beauty,
Leaving you with tears and sighs,
But you waste time trying to catch him,
Time's a bird and Time just flies.
-- Valerie Bloom
The Slow Man
The phone rings
But never long enough
For the Slow Man.
By the time
The set's switched on
His favourite programme's over.
His tea grows cold
From cup to lip.
His soup evaporates.
He laughs,eventually,
At jokes long since
Gone out of fashion.
Sell-by dates
And limited special offers
Defeat him.
he comes home
With yesterday's paper
And reas it...tomorrow.
--Allan Ahlberg