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In addition to Night

Po Chu-Tang

Non-Shou Sui Eye Disease little sleep, the old heart felt to another temporary spring.

Light a fire sale every dawn, then it is flat the first 60 people.In addition to Night

Cao Song Tang

Residual wax that has to do, Dongfeng to be heard gradually.

Xiao still a dash of two, want to split.

Liao dark when dumping bucket, Spring Branch Fen Tong Zhan.

Yao Ming both hands wine, before-Zhu Yao-Jun.


買年貨do Spring Festival shopping敬酒propose a toast煙花 fireworks壓歲錢gift money掃房spring cleaning年夜飯the dinner on New Year's Eve廟會tepmle fair爆竹firecrackers舞獅lion dance對聯poetic couplet剪紙 paper-cuts年畫New Year paintings舞龍dragon dance戲曲traditional opera雜耍traditional opera燈謎riddles written on lanterns燈會exhibit of lanterns守歲staying-up拜年New Year's visit祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one's ancestors