The salute sound acoustic shock world, the Five-Starred Red Flag resembles the pink clouds. The glorious course world attention, motherland everywhere spends. The reform and open policy raises the sail, the motherland leaps to jump onto the splendid steed. Today the exhibition fights the Hong chart again, the bright future common people praise. Will regard the present, the wind and rain from now on a more spirited soaring, the motherland will sound that row of bronze chime vigorous and the clear left sound right rhyme passes through five millennium long years from far to near and 60 year riotous flowered season shore of continent of water in the river We sing loudly for you, eulogize our beautiful motherland, eulogizes our great mother! The mother, I am proud for you, the Chinese people five millennium's cultures, converge the long historical perpetual flow Forever surges in mine chest. The motherland, I am arrogant for you, on the Chinese nation mysterious land, a time will sprout the dazzling miracle, the historical great pen will draw your new century the magnificence! Today is your birthday, my mother. When we look up to the bright Five-Starred Red Flag, how can not sing for you? Sings this day of this water, sings the spring breeze summer rain fall solid winter snow, sings the good brave people, each song of praise belongs to you, great motherland mother! Celebrated the new China 60th anniversary reform and open policy 30th anniversary poetry reading collection sing of motherland dream non-59 years ago in the rostrum of Tian An Men the dignified pledge to let have five millennium bright civilization country with long history just likes the phoenix nirvana rebirth during 59 years has created the achievement 59 years which later the innumerable wind and rain Chinese big dragon soaring miracle attracted worldwide attention The great motherland mother look like an arrogant giant stands rock-firm in the world Eastern motherland when your 59 year old of birthday your children not to be able to forget your how many years in the difficulty to climb mountains and cross rivers how many in the pain to discipline how many time in the happiness ponder in striving for success the enterprising violent crazy breeze blow do not fold your tall and straight back dreadful very rough sea waves to press do not bend your firm and resolute physique you closely to cover the time development pulse you their destiny to grasp firmly The grand appearance which you hold on to that new century navigation rudder with industrious, the wisdom, courageous and the will complete magnificently is developing you to raise the reform tide which are such mammoth you go forward rapidly is time and time again in your beautiful and rich national territory Mount Everest Wei sets up Five Mountains to stand tall and erect such with overpowering momentum Yellow River flow Yangtze River to gallop Does the six domestic animals stout and strong bumper grain harvest border garrison rise the metropolis how in your vast in territory area to be prosperous motherland you the leap not to let poet's fervor how, in the conception in painting spout you to rise does not let the children warm-blooded the sonorous rhythm which will seethe with excitement you in the chest to sing loudly makes great strides forward how not let trillion national surging emotions surge you to use the grand blueprint which the great pen will draw how not to let the civilized ceremonial fire which the Chinese people one's heart rushes toward one's destination motherland your advanced age hundred long live multiplies 10,000,000,000 person of you to lift up high pass through the millennium ancient rhyme which the century the wind and cloud you will inherit the century to be splendid
禮炮聲聲震天下, 五星紅旗似彩霞. 光輝歷程世矚目, 神州大地遍地花. 改革開放揚起帆, 祖國躍上千裏馬. 今日再展戰洪圖, 燦爛前景世人誇. 視如今, 風雨過後更神氣 騰飛吧,祖國 敲響那壹排銅質的編鐘渾厚而清亮的左音右韻由遠及近穿越五千年悠悠歲月和六十年繽紛花季在河之洲 水之湄 山之陽 海之濱 泛起層層漣漪 響起陣陣回聲在億萬炎黃子孫的心中凝結祖國啊,母親! 在這舉國上下歡慶的時刻, 我們為您高歌, 歌頌我們美麗的祖國, 歌頌我們偉大的母親! 母親啊,我為妳自豪, 炎黃子孫五千年的文化, 匯入悠悠歷史長河, 永遠在我的胸中激蕩。 祖國啊,我為妳驕傲, 中華民族神奇的土地上, 壹次次萌發出耀眼的奇跡, 歷史的巨筆將繪出妳新世紀的輝煌! 今天是您的生日, 我的母親. 當我們仰望鮮艷的五星紅旗, 怎能不為您歌唱? 歌唱這天這地這水, 歌唱春風夏雨秋實冬雪, 歌唱善良勇敢的人民, 每壹首贊歌都屬於您, 偉大的祖國母親! 慶祝新中國成立60周年 改革開放30周年詩歌朗誦集萃 歌唱祖國 夢 非 五十九年前 天安門城樓上莊嚴的誓言 讓擁有五千年燦爛文明的古國 猶如鳳凰涅磐般重生 五十九年間 歷經無數風雨的中華巨龍 騰空而起 奇跡般創造了舉世矚目的成就 五十九年後 偉大的祖國母親像壹位 驕傲的巨人 巍然屹立在世界的東方 祖國啊 在您五十九歲華誕之際 您的兒女們忘不了 您多少年來 在艱難中跋涉 多少回 在痛苦中磨練 多少次 在歡愉中沈思 在拼搏中進取 猛烈的狂風吹不折您挺拔的脊梁 滔天的巨浪壓不彎您堅毅的身姿 您緊緊扣住時代發展的脈搏 您將自己的命運牢牢掌握 您把住那新世紀的航舵 用勤勞、智慧、果敢和毅力 完成著壹次又壹次輝煌的開拓 您掀起的改革浪潮是那樣 波瀾壯闊 您飛速前進的雄姿是那樣 氣勢磅礴 在您美麗富饒的國土上 珠峰巍立 五嶽高聳 黃河流淌 長江奔騰 在您幅員遼闊的疆域裏 六畜肥壯 五谷豐登 邊鎮崛起 都市繁榮 祖國啊 您的飛躍 怎不讓詩人的激情在筆端噴湧 您的崛起 怎不讓兒女的熱血在胸中沸騰 您高歌邁進的鏗鏘的節奏 怎不讓億萬國民心潮激蕩 您用巨筆繪就的壯麗藍圖 又怎不讓炎黃子孫心馳神往 祖國啊 您高齡百萬歲 繁衍百億人 您高舉的文明聖火 將穿越 世紀的風雲 您傳承的千年古韻 將千秋彪炳