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遠行英語小詩歌 不要中文詩翻譯成英語 要外國人寫的有關於遠行的詩

The Journey(written by poet Tamara M. Kohlstaedt.)

I'm a Wiccan Priestess on a journey - though I know not where I go,

Keeping a smile upon my face - and the warmest inner glow.

At times this way seems easy - at others it is hard,

Finding the right words for prose and song - is a challenge for any bard.

Sometimes we make mistakes - and hurt the ones we love most dear,

That's when this way gets foggy - and the skies are so unclear.

The things you do wrong won't allow you peace - and seem to be too much to


Draw upon the strength of the Goddess - She will always be there.

She will not leave or forsake you - no matter what you do,

She can help you see beyond the fog - and find the skies of brightest blue.

So cast aside these negative feelings - permit yourself time to heal and rest,

Put your faith and trust in the Goddess - She'll help you survive this test.

If you find that you need help along this journey - we'll be glad to lend a hand,

Come along and join with us - and enjoy the beauty of this land.

I'm a Wiccan Priestess on a journey - though I know not where I go,

The Goddess stands strong and tall beside me - Her Wisdom and Love always to
